When What’s Going in the World Makes You Angry

Q: Dear Todd, we are in a time where every man, woman, and child on earth is being threatened by a group of people or a part of the consciousness that is malevolent. The part of the race that actually is not content with what they have. Where they have so so much so-called monetary wealth and power that they have manipulated our existence and in a way have bought man. This is complex, even as a write this I have the other side going through my mind, there are people all over the world in sheer poverty. Are we, you and I indulging ourselves, because you can make this video and I can write this comment that may lead to a conversation…

TODD ANSWERS: There are upsetting things in this world, but we don’t have to become upset by them. We can fight with all our might these evils without fighting people. We can work hard for change while accepting what is.
Is it indulgent? Only if the purpose is for self-gratification. If the purpose is for understanding, recentering, strategizing, and persevering, I would say it’s essential.

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