What Is Life? Why Are We Alive?

What is the purpose and meaning of life? If it were just to survive, consume and expend energy, then we wouldn’t have the ability to even ask these questions. We would just be food-finding mindless robots. So there is something much deeper to our lives than survival. 

If it were to be comfortable and safe, we’d be lazy and weak. If it were to be happy all the time, then we’d be fools because sadness and pain teach us empathy and how to treat others.

Life is meant to be lived.

We are not meant to be pacified 24/7 by entertainment and mental hyperactivity. We are meant to experience the whole of life — the good and the bad, the mundane and the extraordinary.

If we live in a trance, whether we’re lost in mental thought or we’re lost in our screens, we are asleep to life. Everything in this universe is designed to help us awaken. 

The unpleasantness of anger and stress are there to tell us that we really don’t want to live in conflict and that we’d rather live in harmony with all beings. 

Some people wonder, is anger always bad? Is it ever justified? Can it be good if we use it to fuel positive change in society? And isn’t it worse if we try to stuff our anger down? I answer these questions and more in my latest podcast episode.

The deep and lasting feelings of peace and joy are there to tell us when we’re on the right path. When we fully live, when we can stay present for ourselves through the ups and downs, peace and joy naturally emerge. So we are all being guided to our own awakening.

This universe is here to be experienced. We are here to experience it. We’re made of it, by it, and for it. What a gift it is. 

When we understand that we are the universe, everything makes sense. There is no longer confusion about who we are, what we should do, and why things are the way they are. There is just what is, exactly as it should be. More on how to step out of separateness, become free from loneliness and separation, and see the oneness all around us in this video.

Children, success, power, fame, riches, fancy cars, big homes… that is all just the window dressing. How present we are for those things and how deeply we can experience them, that is what truly matters.

Of course, part of the contract for this miraculous gift of life is that we will all experience grief and loss at some point in our lives. That is why I wrote, Grief and Spiritual Healing: Surviving Life After Loss. If you read it and it brought you some comfort and support, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. Your honest opinion can help many others find solace as well.


Much love,



P.S. Being conscious and present with your children is so important. In an age of universal screen addiction and mental multi-tasking, present parenting is harder but more needed than ever. Here’s how to do it.

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