Executive Mindfulness: CEOs Swear By These Techniques

From entrepreneurs of startups to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, successful people have a few things in common.Many of those secret ingredients for success have to do with mindfulness. However, many don't even know what mindfulness is. Hence, the first question is, what is mindfulness? Mindfulness has to do with aspects of the mind such as: ClarityFocus and concentrationPrioritizationThoughtfulnessIntentionAwareness of yourself and othersAwareness of one’s own mental stateSince executives and entrepreneurs don’t need…

Are You Having Executive Burnout? Here’s What You’ve to Do

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter When we’re constantly juggling a million tasks, projects and problems in our mind, it can lead to burnout. Our minds become split in too many directions and it is exhausting. This is why we get burned out and why meditation is the key to the executive burnout problem.When we are constantly busy, our lives feel chaotic and stressful. The more stress and responsibilities…

6 Reasons Why Meditation is Good for Your Business

Funny things are happening on the way to retirement. Right now, companies are having trouble filling jobs, and yet there are more people seeking work than ever before. People want meaning and fulfillment. Not just a paycheck. This is why there are ultimately 6 reasons why corporate America needs mindfulness.What is Mindfulness?Mindfulness is the quality of being present and aware, and peaceful yet alert. It is when we come out…

6 Ways to Use Mindfulness for Managing Emotions at Work

Sure, mindfulness is easy in meditation, but how can we use mindfulness for managing emotions at work?! I get it. We’ve all been there. The boss isn’t pleased with your work. Or maybe a coworker is trying to pass their work off onto you. Or maybe you just see someone wearing the same outfit as the one you just bought yesterday. Suddenly, our heart rates go up. Muscles tense up.…

Here’s Why Big Companies Are Investing in Corporate Meditation

What do Google, Nike, Apple, Amazon, General Mills, Procter & Gamble, Deutsche Bank, and Bridgewater all have in common? That’s right, they’re all extremely successful. But also, as you may have guessed, they have all discovered that there’s a better productivity boost. They give it to their employees that works better than a coffee break ever has. That is corporate meditation.A small investment in Corporate Meditation leads to huge profits and…

Can Corporate Meditation Lower Employee Turnover Rates?

Employee turnover rates are at all time highs today. 95% of workers are thinking of quitting their jobs and the number one reason is burnout. Even before the pandemic, 1 in 5 people quit their job every single year on average. With poor employee retention costing the U.S. businesses $1 trillion a year, companies are starting to wonder, can corporate meditation lower employee turnover rates?While employee turnover rates have been…

What to Expect in a Corporate Mindfulness Program

If you’re like me, you’ve heard people say things like, “For me, swimming laps is my meditation.” Or, “Making art is meditation for me.” Or, “Going for walks is my meditation time.” I get it. When I used to act or perform comedy, I felt the same way. Going skiing, shooting a bow and arrow at a target, working out, and rock climbing. They all were times when I cleared…

Hiring a Corporate Meditation Teacher? Ask These 4 Questions

Choosing the right corporate meditation teacher for your company is no easy task. Given below are the four questions you should ask yourself when determining which corporate meditation workshop and instructor is right for your organization. Then, you will surely avoid catastrophe and set your company up for greater productivity. Not only this, but it will also lead to greater mental health, fewer employee conflicts, more job satisfaction, and lower…

Corporate Meditation: Do Employees Really Need It?

Success Starts and Ends with a Peaceful, Stress-Free MindAccording to Stress.org:90% of all doctor visits are for stress-related ailments or complaints.63% of all U.S. workers are ready to quit their job due to stress.Businesses lose up to $300 billion annually due to workplace stress.56% of employees say stress and anxiety impact their performance.76% of workers say stress affects their relationships, 66% say it affects their sleep, and 54% say it…

Why & How Corporate Meditation Benefits Businesses

What are Corporate Meditation Programs?Corporate Meditation Programs can be keynote lectures, multiple seminars, interactive workshops or retreats. They may take place in the office or offsite. They include a mix of mindfulness and meditation training, as well as instruction on what to expect when meditating, insights into the nature of the mind, the root causes of stress, and the best ways to alleviate stress.Beyond stress, corporate meditation programs show employees…