How Can I Overcome Feeling Alone and Misunderstood?

Q: Dear Todd, some kid in my high school class is talking bad about me, and I don't even know them. I don't get it. I even showed my own mother, and she said, "What do you want me to do?" I feel like everyone is just against me. I feel like such an outsider everywhere I go. I'm always in the wrong, and I wish I could say I…

Feeling Inadequate and Worthless? Here’s the SOLUTION

If supermodels are insecure, if billionaires feel like failures, and if the world's greatest artists feel like imposters, how the heck are the rest of us supposed to feel worthy and good enough?! The truth is, value doesn't come from others' praise, worth doesn't come from wealth, and contentment doesn't come from achievement. If we only care about superficial things like money and looks, our lives will lack what truly…