Carrying the Weight of the World on Your Shoulders?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHow do our thoughts affect our emotions? Or, do our emotions affect our thoughts? What comes first, the thought or the emotion? Understanding the answer to these questions can help us feel better and think more positively. This can also help us heal from the grief of losing a loved one. (more on this in my YouTube video). So, let’s take a look…

Is It Possible to Find Peace While People in Other Countries Suffer?

Q: Dear Todd, is it possible to maintain inner peace when the world is going through so much? There are wars, terrorism and human rights violations. Is it achievable to be peaceful while other countries are suffering?Todd Answers: Isn’t it interesting that a parent with a child in danger can run and save the child without thinking but if we watch TV we get stress and sadness? This empathy is…

Is Suffering Just in Our Mind?

Q: Dear Todd, “All suffering exists in the mind” leaves out the heart and the intuition part. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: The heart and the gut (intuition) are essential to empathy and healthy emotions. From my experience, suffering most often starts in the mind and then our heart begins to ache. Emotions are where we feel our thoughts. Occasionally, like as in physical pain, our brain receives the pain signals and…

When We Feel Fear is That Ego? Or Unhealed Part of Ourselves?

Q: Dear Todd, so when we feel fear or experience suffering is that always the ego? Or is it an unhealed part of ourselves? Or both? TODD ANSWERS: Both and neither. These feelings of fear are merely evolutionary traits we have developed to stay far away from tigers and the edges of cliffs. Suffering is what tells us not to put our hands in the fire. But today, it is…

How Do You Explain Happiness to Someone Who Has Lost Job?

Q: Dear Todd, how do I explain happiness to someone who lost his job and was then evicted for not paying the rent? On top of it all, has a serious illness in his ankles. I am so overwhelmed with his pain and trying to help him as much as I can.TODD ANSWERS: I really understand. Often it’s harder to see someone else’s suffering than it is to go through…