Unforgettable Spiritual Lessons From a Shaman in Chile

On a vacation in Chile, Todd hoped to meet with a shaman to learn about the spirituality of the indigenous people of South America. Unfortunately, the shaman had left his home for the winter. However, just one day before Todd was scheduled to leave Chile, his travel companion, who was Chilean, received an unexpected phone call: the shaman would see him now.In this podcast, I share the beautiful beliefs the…

NYC Ad Executive Goes on a Spiritual Journey to India

After quitting his high-paying advertising job, giving away all his belongings, moving out of his New York City apartment and buying a one-way ticket to India, he finally arrives in spiritual capital of the world.Hear what he finds, what he does, and how he got fleeced twice in two days.  See how everything he had been searching for miraculously presented itself to him. Learn the lessons that India taught him…

Can This Secretive Ashram Be the Best Spiritual Ashram in India?

This is the story of Todd's first experience in an ashram in India. Invited by his friend's family who has a house there, they got permission from the guru himself that I could come and stay there – something not usually done for outsiders. What Todd found was beyond his wildest imagination. At this ashram – supposedly the largest one in India – devoted followers, a beloved leader, and an…

Most Expensive Ashram in India. Was It Worth It?

Ever thought of Eat Pray Love -ing your way around the world? Ever thought you might like to try following in the footsteps of the Beatles and going to Rishikesh, India to get your meditation on?  Ever wondered what really goes on in these places and if the key to your happiness lies inside? Then you're going to want to hear this podcast. In this episode, Todd Perelmuter recounts his…