Shall I Leave My Family Behind For My Spiritual Journey?

Q: Dear Todd, there are distractions like the war in Ukraine or famine in a neighboring country, in my case Afghanistan, and people who are just trying to own more and more. I have a family to support and a job that I need just to survive. I understand that those are external stuff but they affect my relationships - I am becoming very distant from everybody, and my productivity…

How to Flow With Time

It’s like we’ve all been wearing super high-definition virtual reality headsets with surround sound and smellavision all our lives. It’s easy to forget the awe and wonder that lies just beneath the surface. Our brains are physical objects designed to recreate the physical world. But the more we practice, the more we listen to our heart and intuition, and the more tuned we will be to our own inner peace…

Todd Perelmuter & The Accidental Cowboy Guru

Todd's spiritual journey happened completely by accident. When on vacation with a friend at a resort in Arizona, what he thought was a horse riding class turned out to be a life-changing exploration and discovery into the window of the human soul. This experience was the spark that took Todd from an award-winning Writer and Creative Director in Manhattan at the world's largest ad agency, to quitting his job, selling…

Toughest, Most Difficult Silent Meditation (Vipassana) Retreat Experience

I'd ran into a guy in India who told me about this Vipassana retreat he'd done. He told me it was super difficult but really great. You have to wake up at 4am everyday and meditate for 12 hours a day.  No phones, no reading, no talking, no writing, don't even look other students in the eye.Eager for real, transformative experiences, I signed up the first chance I got. It…

13 Best Social Media Addiction Quotes From Digital Ego Book

1. Just like the body is constantly eliminating toxins, the mind needs to as well. We need to give it time to rest, reflect, and find peace in the present moment. 2. Life will sometimes be exciting, and sometimes it'll be uneventful. Both of these are just parts of life. We can either escape life, or we can embrace it. 3. When we are mindlessly taking our phone out, then…

19 Best Spiritual Quotes From Aloneness to Oneness Book

1. The key to becoming spiritual isn't that we do anything, it’s the opposite — we have to undo everything. 2. We are not merely a tiny, insignificant part of this universe, not just some mistake, or random chance, we are the universe. 3. When you're blessed, you pass it on to someone else because you know you are only blessed because someone helped show you the way. This is…

A Day With Maori People

There is really no other way to say it, I was protected in that forest. About a dozen or so miracles happened during my 50 days in the forest that completely saved my life. I only learned later that the forest I was in was one of the most sacred forests to the indigenous Maori people, and I also later learned that they knew about my presence in the forest…

Can One “Lose” Enlightenment?

True enlightenment can never be lost. Many people, throughout many stages of their spiritual journey, may experience what feels like enlightenment. They have a moment of being, pure bliss, and free from thoughts, only to immediately have their clinging and grasping mind try to analyze and hold onto it, which of course instantly ruins the moment. This happens because they don’t fully understand their experience. With total enlightenment, we become…

Want to Experience Spiritual Oneness? Here’s the Secret

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWhat is Spiritual Oneness?When we explore closely the nature of the self, which is the object we can most closely observe, we see that we are nothing more than a mental concept. In truth, we are inextricably connected to our parents, and their parents, and their parents, and on and on forever.We’ll see that we are the trees, whose air we breathe. We…

My Experience at Buddhist Thai Monastery Taught Me This

Buddha often speaks of the middle path. You can think of it as the Goldilocks path — not too hot, not too cold. But this doesn't just apply to food. It applies to our spiritual path as well. We don't want to be too lazy and get no results, but we also don't want to be too rigid so that we either burn out or we become too extreme about it…