What I’ve Learned from My Travels

When I was a Creative Director in advertising, I had to travel a lot for work and my companies would always put me up in 5-star hotels. It wasn’t the sheets or marble walls or gold trim that impressed me. It was always something that cost absolutely nothing: the attention and generosity of the staff.I am currently on a family vacation (hence the infrequent newsletters), showing my dear mother-in-law the…

Peace Begins With You

The world we live in is designed by each of us. We are each totally responsible for the world. You are humanity, you are society, you are the universe.  Consciousness is the home you live in. You are its creator and caretaker. So, what does all this mumbo jumbo mean? Well, it means that if you see people as enemies, you have created the illusion of enemies. It means that…

Is Accepting Things as They Are Bad For Growth?

A lot of people think that accepting things as they are means we don’t need to take any action, we don’t need to improve anything, and that “letting go” means giving up. I was even asked once, “Doesn’t being happy mean that we would not care about anything and we would never try to develop ourselves spiritually, financially or personally?”I understand where these questions are coming from. From a nonspiritual…

How Are We Experiencing the Universe?

Q: Dear Todd, are we really experiencing the universe or are we actually experiencing earth? I can experience a waterfall but I cannot experience a supernova with the same relative ease. Todd Answers: Haha, let's hope you do not experience a violent supernova too closely. Even though we do not feel the heat of the surface of the sun, we can experience the sun's rays from afar. We can understand…

My Life in a Buddhist Monastery in Thailand

I stayed for some time in a Buddhist monastery in a jungle in southern Thailand. At first, it was my torment. There were no screens in the windows to keep the bugs away and this was my first experience sleeping with a wooden pillow. But as the days, weeks, and months went on, the lack of comforts became my salvation. This monastery became one of the greatest spiritual experiences in…

Can Spiritual Awakening Change Our Karmic Debt?

Q: Dear Todd, if you did immoral things before you were awakened to the universal truths will you be held accountable for those things in this life or future lives?TODD ANSWERS: Is a tiger responsible for killing a gazelle? I don’t think so. I think it is a creature living out its own nature based on its past karma/cause-and-effect. When we act with unawareness, we are not in control. Only…

Can Religion Help Us Reach Our Highest Potential?

What role do rituals, traditions and religious communities have in an individual's path to spiritual awakening? Can religion help us reach our ultimate potential? Or, are they nothing but superstitions and fairy tales? Do they create positive outlets for spiritual growth, or do they simply further divide our already divided planet? In this podcast episode, I explore the pros and cons of going to church, temple or mosque. I dive…

My Spiritual Journey Has Left Me Confused

Q: Dear Todd, I'm really going through a lot since I embarked on this spiritual journey. My life changed drastically. I have so many questions about what is going on with me. I do meditation but how can I turn this confusion around?Todd Answers: Luckily, only the mind creates confusion. When you let go of the desire for answers and clarity, not only do answers and clarity appear, but that…

Why Did My Spiritual Journey Gave Me Chest Pain?

Q: Dear Todd, I started my spiritual journey last year and now I am experiencing chest pains. What am I doing wrong? TODD ANSWERS: We’re so used to doing things and we become so attached to our desired outcome that we cannot be present and relaxed and enjoy the journey. This can be stressful. The best thing to do is let go of expectations and just let whatever comes to…

How to Let Go of Grudges And Bitterness in a Relationship

Q: Dear Todd, How Can I Get Over my Grudges? Giving love and forgiveness to others is the greatest gift you can ever give to yourself. When we love and forgive others, we do not lose anything. We in fact gain peace of mind, joyousness, and greater physical and mental health. The more joy and love within you, the more joy and love you put into the world and the…