How Do We Find Comfort in the Uncomfortable?

A healthy amount of fear is good. It prevents us from taking a selfie too close to the edge of a cliff. But when fear goes beyond protecting us from danger, that's when fear becomes dangerous. When it morphs into protecting us from the slightest discomfort, then fear can become our prison. Fear is an insidious monster that can take over our entire lives if we're not careful. It can…

Want to Leave Your Past Behind? Try This 3-Step Method

To be alive is to be on a lifelong mission of learning. That means that we will have regrets, mistakes, failures, setbacks and difficult challenges in our lives. While we think our past determines our present, it's actually how we relate to our past that matters. In this podcast, I talk about how we can change our relationship with a difficult past. I share ways we can reframe our pain,…

What Happens When You Stop Trying to Impress Others

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWhen I was a kid, I didn’t always fit in. Growing up in Louisville, KY — a real college sports town — my artsy, peace-loving, and authority-questioning traits weren’t always welcomed. For example, in 7th grade I got suspended because on my school’s Community Service Day they made us rake the school playground. Well, I realized that this was a private school and the…

Don’t Give Anyone the Power to Treat You Bad

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterCruel words can only hurt us if they are tinged with truth. Not with objective truth, but with our own personal truth. Objectively, no words would ever hurt us because we would be looking at our situation rationally, from all angles, and we’d be honest with ourselves about what we know and don’t know.If that inner voice in our head is self-critical, other…

How Can I Stop Hating Myself? (Most Effective Solution)

Self-hatred is a terrible affliction born out of the false perception that you are your thoughts. It divides us into two people rather than being one whole complete person. This illusion falsely implies you hate yourself, but in reality, you can't have a relationship with yourself. You simply are you. Relationships with yourself can only happen if you believe you are split in two. By recognizing your true self, all…

Why Am I Always Sabotaging My Happiness? How to Stop

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHow to Stop Sabotaging Your Own HappinessLet’s take a moment and look at our ego — that thinking part of our brain. It’s not hard to see how, when all humans used to live in the wilderness, that these thinking machines would come in handy. It’s very useful, when there’s danger everywhere, to have these danger detectors. The ego is always looking out…

Easy Techniques to Prevent Self Loathing

How de we control our thoughts when it seems impossible? How can we transform our mindset? Todd Perelmuter explores these and other questions in today's podcast. Find out why we become self-loathing, what the causes are, and learn easy techniques to stop and prevent self-loathing.

How to Stop Feeling Jaded And Bitter Over Time

Love is the glue that holds this universe together. It is the gravity that unites two star crossed lovers. And it is the only reason we exist — it brought our parents together, love nourished and protected us through infancy, and it is the only reason we haven’ blown ourselves up yet.Love is a feeling as innate as hunger. Instead of leading us to food, love guides us towards being more…

What to Do If You Want to Feel Happy?

We all want to be happy. But how do we get it? What makes us happy? And how do we get that long lasting happiness we all seek.In this episode, Todd reveals the true secret to lasting happiness. And it's not what we usually think it is.So many of the things we seek to bring us happiness are nothing more than temporary pleasures. After these pleasures are over, they're usually…

How to Forgive Myself for Past Actions Spiritually – Podcast

Sometimes (all the time), we are our own worst critic. We talk to ourselves in ways we would never tolerate anyone else speaking to us. We believe our own criticism and we have a hard time believing our own — or other people's — praise.Today, Todd talks about this baggage from our past that we carry with us, and how to set it down. The past can never be negative. It was…