What Makes You the Best Version of Yourself

Who you are is who you’ve chosen to be. Who you will be depends on the choice you make now.You are not your genes or the luck of your circumstances.You are not your surroundings or your influences.You are not what you eat or what you do.You are what you choose.Whether it's a conscious choice or an unconscious one is up to you. You are a collection of your choices. What…

How to Become Really Good at Something

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterThere is something that just about every human could benefit to learn. It is not easy. Not too many people can do it, but it may be the most important skill we can develop that will improve every aspect of our lives. We need to learn how to learn with joy, strive with peace, and work hard on achieving big goals with total presence…

I Am Not the Person I Wanted to Be, How to Get My Life Back on Tracks?

We all have plans and goals, but so does the universe. Sometimes our plans work out, and sometimes even more magical experiences are in store for us than we could have ever imagined. This may make life seem scary and uncertain, but we actually wouldn't want it any other way. Challenges make us grow, stress makes us stronger, and learning to overcome obstacles makes us smarter. We are all here…