Can I Be My Own Role Model?

Spirituality is a word that means something different to just about everyone. Some people think spirituality is about being kind to others at the expense of ourself. They think it means being taken advantage of, letting governments and people do anything they want, being passive, inactive, and naive. Other people think spirituality is all about selfish interests, self-love, self-care, and selfishly feeling happy despite the many problems in the world.…

How to Flow With Time

It’s like we’ve all been wearing super high-definition virtual reality headsets with surround sound and smellavision all our lives. It’s easy to forget the awe and wonder that lies just beneath the surface. Our brains are physical objects designed to recreate the physical world. But the more we practice, the more we listen to our heart and intuition, and the more tuned we will be to our own inner peace…

Do This If You Want to Become the Best Version of Yourself

Only when we are not living completely authentically, and only when we misidentify with our mind-made versions of ourselves, can we wish to reinvent ourselves. The real question is, "How can I live more in line with my inner nature?" We all know the experience where we are so in our head, planning and plotting what to say or how to act, that we become insecure. When we become insecure,…

How to Stop Yourself From Arguing? The Fool-Proof Method

We live in a time of rage-filled news and algorithms that serve up content guaranteed to make your blood boil. And while we know on some level that there is no point in arguing with people who will surely disagree with us and never change, too often we fail to resist the urge and we end up spending way to much of our precious time and energy in the comments…

How to Stop Hating Everything (The Spiritual Solution)

In the podcast, Todd answers the question submitted online from one of our listeners, "How can I stop hating and complaining about everything?" In it you'll hear how we can reframe our experiences so that we experience more joy and gratitude in everything we do. Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

Why am I So Hard on Myself? How to Practice Self Love?

We all want love. We love love. But there is no one who can love us harder or more intimately than ourselves. So how do we love ourselves? Why are we so hard on ourselves? What even is self love? Is it a spa day, a doughnut, or a new pair of shoes? In this podcast, I explore the most important thing we can do to change that inner voice…

How to Get Rid of Your Bad Habits Through Meditation

Q: Dear Todd, I have many bad habits. How can I transform myself?Todd Answers: My best advice for you, as someone who used to have many addictions, is to be patient and start with the addiction that is most disruptive (it was alcohol for me). Then work your way down from there one at a time. Trying all at once can often be impossible. If you fail, keep trying and…

Build Self-Discipline with Meditation: 6 Easy Steps

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter In this article, I’ll explain in just 6 easy steps how you can build self-discipline with meditation. Despite all of the remarkable technology at our fingertips, our society seems busier than ever. But these days, more and more super successful people are learning that spending a little time tuning out helps them be more self-disciplined so they can perform at their best.What does…

I Am Not the Person I Wanted to Be, How to Get My Life Back on Tracks?

We all have plans and goals, but so does the universe. Sometimes our plans work out, and sometimes even more magical experiences are in store for us than we could have ever imagined. This may make life seem scary and uncertain, but we actually wouldn't want it any other way. Challenges make us grow, stress makes us stronger, and learning to overcome obstacles makes us smarter. We are all here…

How I Cured My ADHD with Meditation – Path to Peace Podcast

For both adults and kids, there is an epidemic going around. And no, I’m not talking about COVID. I’m talking about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). All across the world, we are losing the ability to focus and pay attention. From 1997 to 2016, schoolchildren diagnosed with ADHD went from 3 percent to over 10 percent and it is still rising fast. From March 9th to March 30th of 2020,…