Can Religion Help Us Reach Our Highest Potential?

What role do rituals, traditions and religious communities have in an individual's path to spiritual awakening? Can religion help us reach our ultimate potential? Or, are they nothing but superstitions and fairy tales? Do they create positive outlets for spiritual growth, or do they simply further divide our already divided planet? In this podcast episode, I explore the pros and cons of going to church, temple or mosque. I dive…

Can Christians Meditate or Is It a Sin?

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter Along with the rapidly growing popularity of meditation, there has also been an explosion of confusion centered around this ancient practice. As a result, I thought of clearing one of the confusion around it. The question of can Christians meditate or is it a sin?These days, people online will claim that just about anything is meditation, whether it’s listening to someone whisper instructions…

Does Believing in Spiritual Oneness Means Rejecting God?

Whether a person is religious or an atheist, it is common to wonder if spirituality, Buddhism,  yoga or meditation go against their beliefs. Some worry they are sinning or that they will be punished in some way. And still others fear this will lead them into atheism.So, does oneness conflict with any religions? Is it compatible with no religion? Does it clash with science?  And can I keep my old…