How to Fix the Resentment in a Relationship

All resenting stems from resisting. Resentment comes from resisting another person's actions, behaviors and habits. Instead of allowing the person to be, we silently resist who they are. That silent resistance turns into spoken or unspoken anger, distance and mutual hardship. The absolute best thing we can do when feeling resentment is to go from resisting to enlisting. Instead of feeling like we must either fight or silently suffer, we…

How Do You Maintain Relationships With Narcissists

Q: Dear Todd, when someone is abusive or narcissistic, how do you encorporate them into your life? TODD ANSWERS: You only have to do what your heart guides you to do. That may mean once a year for the holidays, or more often if they show remorse and growth. Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

Anxiety Issues Making It Hard to Date

There are a few things we can do to lower anxiety. One way is to boost our confidence. This is done through practice and self-trust, so one thing to do is to try to have a meaningful (roughly 30-second) conversation with everyone you encounter, in a way that goes just slightly deeper and more original than “How’s the weather?” Use your surroundings to connect. This all helps us get out…

Do We Need a Relationship or Partner to Complete Us?

If we overthink about it, life can be very confusing. There is so much information that we are bombarded with daily, from ads to movies, from social media to our in-person interactions. Within all of that information are subtle cues that tell us how life should be, what a perfect life looks like, and how you'll finally be happy if only (fill in the blank). But, all of that noise…

Should I Forgive My Girlfriend / Boyfriend For Hurting Me? How?

Q: Dear Todd, my girlfriend told me she hates me and wants me to die a horrible death. Should I forgive her? TODD ANSWERS: Forgive her, yes. Break up with her, maybe also yes (although that’s a personal decision only you can make). The definition of forgive is to stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake. It doesn’t mean telling them you forgive them.…

Getting Over a Breakup When the Reason Seems Confusing

Q: Dear Todd, I recently separated from a partner citing that being together was difficult for her mental health and her judgment of my own inner peace. She believed I had more to work on. Ending things over that made me question the validity of the oneness sadly because her depth into that study is significant.Maybe I am amidst processing and possibly misunderstanding it, but I feel it was the…

Can a Spiritual Person Connect With a Non-Spiritual People?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHuman beings come in all shapes and sizes. No two are completely alike, and yet, we each find types of people who we most get along with. It is a natural and wonderful process that as we grow, our friends and relationships evolve and grow as well. With some people we’ll grow closer, and others further apart.Holding on and clinging to relationships that…

Recovery from Codependency in Relationship (Path to Peace)

When we grow up in chaotic homes, it's not uncommon to develop anxiety and insecurity that can lead to codependency in our relationships. Codependent relationships, where one person is doing all the work, can take a tremendous toll on our well being.In this podcast, I talk about what codependency can look like, why it happens, and what we can do to break the cycle, heal and move forward in healthy…

I Always Want People I Can’t Have. How Do I Deal With It?

Ah yes, the age old ritual of courtship. Feigning disinterest, playing it cool but charming, all to entice a potential. The beautiful mating dance of two humans seeking connection. Objectively and logically speaking, we have three options. Be alone. Change our standards. Or we can change ourselves. I believe it tends to be preferential to adhere to options two and three. Option two means that we make sure we’re not…

How to Handle Resentment in Marriage the Right Way

What's the Root Cause of Resentment in Marriage? All resenting stems from resisting. Resentment comes from resisting another person's actions, behaviors and habits. Instead of allowing the person to be, we silently resist who they are. That silent resistance turns into spoken or unspoken anger, distance and mutual hardship. What Can We Do When We Feel Resentment in Marriage? The absolute best thing we can do when feeling resentment is…