Letting Go of Desire of Material Things vs WEF Concept

Q: Dear Todd, there needs to be a hard line distinction between "You will own nothing and be happy." which is the WEF version of freedom, and the Hindu/Buddhist version of letting go of the external desire for material things as a source of happiness, and freedom. How would a person best separate the two in words? Serious question. I need help to be able to explain this to the…

Making Impulsive Decisions That You Regret Later

Q: I was the happiest and kindest person ever. But one day, influenced by my friend, I made the huge mistake of getting a color tattoo on my whole forearm. I regret it now and I am overwhelmed by hating myself. Any thoughts?Todd Answers: You are not suffering because of the tattoo. You are suffering because of your attachment to a conceived idea of how your body should be. Some…

When You Are the Bad Guy in the Family

Q: Dear Todd, it's tough knowing that, (at the moment), I am the person bringing the people I love down. I know what living with "toxic negativity" is, but I am trying to forgive who I was and be a better me. I hope others can forgive me, (again), too. TODD ANSWERS: Awareness and good intentions are the first and the most important step of that healing and forgiving journey. Most…

How to Make Decisions You Won’t Regret Later

The seeds of this moment were planted in the past. What we do now will blossom in the future. If we are always attentive to the present moment, we will always tend our garden well. Whether we make mistakes or not, with presence we will always remain confident that we can correct course, make a change, adapt to new circumstances, and learn from our experience. Path to Peace with Todd…