How Does Individuality Fit into Oneness

The universe exists on many planes of reality. On one hand, it’s entirely empty space because all matter is made up of empty space. On the other hand, there is no empty space because energy and quantum fields pervade the entire universe. And then there is the illusion that there is stuff and there is space, and the things appear separate and independent from one another.Any three of these interpretations…

What is God’s Role in Being Present Everywhere?

Q: Dear Todd, what exactly is God's role in being within us and present everywhere? Why is it so helpless while witnessing all the violence, crimes, suffering, and misery? How can it not do anything? If this was the design, this big puzzle, then what's God's role? We cannot even hear His voice because our minds are constantly playing games. If there's a divine energy within us, how do we…

Your Suffering Comes From Others Suffering

Q: Dear Todd, what if your suffering comes because you see the suffering of other people and animals and the earth? I have everything I will ever need and am in a place of safety and comfort so do not suffer for my own circumstances. But it kills me to see the suffering of others and I do everything to help others and animals. TODD ANSWERS: I would say change…

Nothing is Working Out in My Life

Q: Dear Todd, lately nothing has worked out for the last year and a half. People are so unreliable and narcissistic. Very disappointing. The many many esoteric videos, GIFs, and blurbs I’ve read and practiced along the way awareness, meditating, letting go, realigning, non-judgment, helping others, forgiving, asking guides/angels for help, trusting the Universe…none of that has panned out. Today I sit here disappointed, disillusioned, sad and angry because now…

How Come We Are All God When I Am Better Than a Rapist

Q: Dear Todd, how does your teaching of “we are all God” apply to people living in a tough city where people will rob and kill another person? That is not what a "Godly", or spiritual, person would do. Am I not a better person (to know) than the rapist, the thief, or the murderer? TODD ANSWERS: We must see these people beyond their acts of cruelty. We must see…

See the Universe Within & Become One With It

When we say that humans are social creatures, it doesn’t just mean that we like to gather and communicate. It means that through the many selves, a society emerges. Without society, we would have no language, and thus no thoughts. So while there is a great deal we can learn about ourselves when we close our eyes and turn our attention inward, it is also important to understand that we…

How to Come Out of Survival Mode & Start Living

We are not just spiritual beings. We also have a responsibility to these physical bodies to make sure they are safe and well taken care of. It is very difficult to be spiritual when our physical needs are not met. This is why we must all work to ensure that people everywhere have access to affordable medicine, shelter, safety, clothing; and clean food, water and air. This survival mode is…

What Will Happen to Our Consciousness in Future

The future is coming at us fast. If we look at the trend of where technology is headed, we can see robotics and software becoming smarter, faster, and smaller. In many ways, computers are smarter than humans, but a computer still can't design a computer better than humans can. They lack the creativity and the conscious awareness that humans have. So, if the seemingly inevitable merger of humans and machines…

Is Oneness Scary? Will It Make Me Suffer for Others?

A near universal experience as people begin to go down the spiritual path is that they discover that when they are no longer disconnected from the rest of the universe, they become highly sensitive and empathetic. This can be a very uncomfortable experience at first simply because it is so new and different. Some people wonder if this means that the spiritual path is bad or not meant for them.…

How to Feel One With Everything

It is not easy to undo a lifetime of seeing the world in a specific way. The conscious mind can much more easily grasp onto a concept than it is for the heart to feel it on a deep level.In fact, in this instance, it appears like the mind is trying to think its way into the heart, but it doesn't really happen that way. The Union of the heart…