My Experience at Buddhist Thai Monastery Taught Me This

Buddha often speaks of the middle path. You can think of it as the Goldilocks path — not too hot, not too cold. But this doesn't just apply to food. It applies to our spiritual path as well. We don't want to be too lazy and get no results, but we also don't want to be too rigid so that we either burn out or we become too extreme about it…

Practical Ways to Add Mindfulness to Everyday Life

Meditation isn't about the time we sit down with our eyes closed. It's about how that time impacts the rest of our day and our life. While the benefits of meditation naturally spill out into our day, there are a few easy things we can do to bring even more mindfulness, peace and patience into our daily life. In this episode, Todd shares those tips and tricks for living our…

Is It Really Possible to Teach Mindfulness to Kids?

When is the right age to teach mindfulness to kids? How do you do it? Should you do it? In this podcast, Todd answers these questions and many more about teaching mindfulness to children.While kids may not suffer from the same stresses as adults and may not need to get the same benefits as adults, mindfulness for kids comes with countless other benefits. Studies have shown that kids who learn…

How Mindfulness Leads to Success in Professional & Personal Life

Some people think spirituality and business don't mix. But I have noticed time and time again that when people become spiritual, they become more successful. Whether it's Ray Dalio, billionaire CEO and investor who discovered the benefits of meditation, or Elon Musk who infuses his Neuralink and SpaceX enterprises with the mission of expanding human consciousness, spiritual human endeavors often produce the greatest value. Not just for our wallets either,…

How to Use Mindfulness to Manage Emotions

Q: Dear Todd, I am chaos, and I create it in everything I do and I want to stop it. I feel like a phony when I let my emotions take over.TODD ANSWERS: Don't be afraid of being a phony when your genuine emotions take over. Clearly you are trying to communicate something that is important to you. The more we practice not losing ourselves to these emotions (mindfulness), the…

How to Practice Inner Stillness the Right Way

Q: Dear Todd, how should we practice stillness? Do we need to sit in silence and hold our breath?How to achieve inner stillness TODD ANSWERS: Ha! Please don’t hold your breath for too long. It is much better to practice watching your breath because your breath is always with you. You don’t have to try to freeze, because your brain will always be receiving information (light, sound, etc…). But what you…

How Long Does It Take for Meditation to Start Working

Do these thoughts sound familiar when you've began to try meditation: This is taking forever! How long til I feel something? Am I even doing anything?!?! Our normal, thinking mind will grasp at anything to latch onto, and so most of us will have had thoughts like these. But meditation is a very profound practice and benefits can be gained right away. In this episode, I talk about what can…

Can Mindfulness Help in Saving Money? How?

Q: Dear Todd, how can mindfulness help in saving money?TODD ANSWERS: When we are fully present, we make smarter decisions because we are not off somewhere else.Saving money, investing money, and working towards some goal, all happen in the here and now.When we give this moment our full attention, we naturally create a better future. Like a squirrel who gathers nuts for the winter, we too know instinctually without thinking…

How to Live in Eternal Present Moment (Eternal Now)

While we may feel like we are the operators of our bodies, the truth is that we are temporary inhabitants. I am watching the Todd show, and you are watching the you show. If you think you’re in control, just try to stop thinking for 5 minutes. We do not control our heartbeat or digestion. We don’t have to do anything for our hair and nails to grow. Similarly, we are…