How Do I Know I am in Meditative State

Q: Dear Todd, it's 3:44 am and right now in the present moment I can't sleep due to stress and anxiety. But I'm aware and accepting of that fact. I'm not fighting it. Is this considered being in a meditative state? Awareness? For a positive or a negative? I hope this made sense... I am after all sleep deprived at the moment. Thank you TODD ANSWERS: Much of meditation is…

Practical Ways to Add Mindfulness to Everyday Life

Meditation isn't about the time we sit down with our eyes closed. It's about how that time impacts the rest of our day and our life. While the benefits of meditation naturally spill out into our day, there are a few easy things we can do to bring even more mindfulness, peace and patience into our daily life. In this episode, Todd shares those tips and tricks for living our…