7 Most Effective Ways For Being a Mindful Mother

Being a mother is the hardest, most challenging, and most rewarding job on the planet. It can too often be thankless, the pay is lousy, but it is also the most important thing we as humans can do. It can range from stressful and chaotic to boring and lonely. But it’s one of the things nearly all women were born to do. It’s in the genes, and no, I’m not…

Are Your Kids Learning Mindfulness? Here’s What It Can Do For Them

Mindfulness meditation for kids is important as today, kids (as well as parents) have shorter attention spans than ever before. Things that were once commonplace like watching sunsets or staring at the stars are now deemed too boring. This age has become more of an age of Instagramming.When I was younger, I knew people who didn’t have the attention span to watch a full-length movie. Today, many kids can’t do…

Teaching Children Mindfulness: Fun & Easy Ways

Kids are much smarter than most people realize. They have a deep understanding of their feelings and an awareness and sensitivity to the world around them. This is why children are never too young for mindfulness and meditation. Young children may not understand big words like interconnectedness and consciousness. But, they do understand the meaning behind these terms when explained to them properly. Better than even some adults who have…