Want to Forget My Painful Past. How Long Will It Take?

While some people block out troubling memories, others live with painful memories their whole lives. But it's not about whether we forget or remember, it's about whether we have healed from our past. A painful past only stays painful if we haven't healed. But over time, with patience and self-love, with reflection and introspection, we can heal from anything.The problem is, painful memories don't just stay in our head. They…

How to Free Your Mind From Emotional Attachments

What is the nature of attachments? Why do we develop them if they only cause suffering? How do we break free from the grip of attachments and how do we still form healthy and loving bonds? These are the questions we delve into in today's podcast.

Will Forgiving Others Person Make Me Strong or Weak?

Q: Dear Todd, someone who has tried to get me to commit suicide multiple times doesn't deserve me to show them love. If I let it go and forgive, in their mind, wouldn’t that just justify hurting me?Q: Do we continue being our good selves, smiling, doing good deeds for other people, loving them, even if they treat us like something they have stepped in? After many years of trying,…