How to Live in Eternal Present Moment (Eternal Now)

While we may feel like we are the operators of our bodies, the truth is that we are temporary inhabitants. I am watching the Todd show, and you are watching the you show. If you think you’re in control, just try to stop thinking for 5 minutes. We do not control our heartbeat or digestion. We don’t have to do anything for our hair and nails to grow. Similarly, we are…

Can I Ever Heal From the Trauma of Having a Toxic Mother?

Q: Dear Todd, 38 long fucking years of severely crippling mental and emotional rape mainly at the hands of the toxic person that's supposed to be my so-called "mother"...that is STILL presently ongoing right now. How the fuck is this shit temporary?!?! When does it end?!?!TODD ANSWERS: My dear friend, I am so sorry that the person entrusted to protect you has let you down and continues to. That is…

How to Get Negative Thoughts Out of Your Head

Whether we are aware of them or not, we hall have negative thoughts that on a subconscious and unconscious level stir up stress and tension within our mind and body. In fact, when we are not aware of them, uncomfortable thoughts can easily become repressed, suppressed, and denied. And while stuffing them down can be preferable to dealing with them, from a holistic perspective these disturbing thoughts can turn into…

Reason Why You Haven’t Found Peace & What to Do

Q: Dear Todd, I'm 49 and have not found peace yet. I have all the time in the world to meditate, eat healthy and exercise but it is hard to take the first step. Hoping I will get on the path of enlightenment and will start moving instead of being lazy and wishing for it. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: Try not to carry all your ambitions and goals on your shoulders…

How to Deal With Uncertainty About the Future in Life

None of us are promised tomorrow, we are only promised this moment. That can be scary, but it also makes this moment more beautiful, more precious, and more special. And while tomorrow’s uncertainty can be scary, the fact that this infinitely wondrous world is still spinning in all its complexity, can give us some peace of mind.Living in this mysterious universe isn’t always easy, but it is always perfectly in…