How to Handle Unfulfilled Expectation From Life

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterIf we were to see reality as it really is, all of our expectations would be met. But because we have limited perspectives with limited information, we expect things to happen that end up not panning out. When we expect things, we place our opinion of how things should be above everyone else’s and above what the universe had set in motion long…

When You Get So Overwhelmed With Life, You Do Nothing

Humanity has been through a lot lately. Pandemic, economic destruction, and war. Just one of those can be too much to bear.  This doesn't even include the stress it puts on our families, friendships and mental health. Luckily, there are a great many and powerful tools at our disposal to heal from trauma, to re-energize ourselves, and to recenter ourselves. In this podcast, Todd shares his easy, practical tips for…

What to Do When People Say Mean Things & Why Do I Get So Hurt

If you're living and breathing, someone at some point in life will inevitably say something mean. Every single one of us has been hurt in some way, AND every one of us has probably accidentally said a mean word or two as well. It's human nature. Unless we live in a completely toxic-free society, we're going to be hurt and we're going to subconsciously and unintentionally pass that hurt on…

Is It Bad to Avoid People Who Are Mean And Hurtful?

Q: Dear Todd, is it bad to avoid people who are mean and hurtful rather than to spend time with them? TODD ANSWERS: I think of it the way I think of art. I deeply love all art because it comes from a place of wishing to make the world a more beautiful place. However, I can’t hang every piece of art in my house, so I have to be…

Can People in War-Torn Countries Experience Inner Peace?

Q: Dear Todd, how would someone, say in Ukraine at this time, for example, freezing no water no food, no home, how can they feel they are exactly where they should be? These concepts escape me, is our moment of suffering ordained?Todd Answers: With our physical needs unmet, we will not even be alive to enjoy having our spiritual needs met. Physical needs must always take precedence. However, there are Buddhist…

4 Incredible Tips to Calm Yourself When Angry at Someone

4 Tips for Anger ManagementTo work on oneself, to admit our flaws, to face them head on and to overcome them takes the greatest courage there is.We only yell out and act out in rage because we have lost ourselves and our composure. Because we fail to know how to use our words to communicate clearly.In meditation and mindfulness, we can remain at peace, we can think clearly, and can…

Struggling to Move on After a Sexual Assault

Q: Dear Todd, I have been sexually assaulted and betrayed by many. I have been struggling emotionally to move on when there is so much injustice around. What advice do you have for me?Todd Answers: You’re a very strong survivor. I hope you are able to give yourself the time and love to feel and then heal from those traumatic events. Be patient with yourself, don’t focus on outcomes or…

Path to Peace Stop Torturing Yourself with Your Thoughts

Why do we suffer a tragic event long after it's over? Why are our joyous celebrations so short-lived?  And why do minor inconveniences and annoyances have the power to ruin our whole day? It's all because of the conditioned voice in our head. For most of us, that voice is the unconscious, unintentional result of our upbringing and  experiences in life. But, we all have the ability to recondition our…

How to Stop Seeing Yourself as Failure

Overcoming the Failure Life TrapQ: I am currently struggling with a terrible sense of fear around the point at which I find myself in life right now… I have always been my harshest judge but that was what drove me on… now it is tearing me down. I am struggling to find the motivation or meaning in anything… I have read the books, done the classes, had the therapy, listened…

Is Life Worth Living With Chronic Pain?

Q: Dear Todd, what if you are in so much physical discomfort and have been for years and the only thing that seems like it will end this discomfort is death. How do you reconcile that? Take comfort in knowing that your discomfort will end when you die?TODD ANSWERS: That is unfortunately just life sometimes. You can try to find comfort in some possible tomorrow, but you can also find…