How’s Your Spiritual Health?

You may get your annual physical. You may see a therapist from time to time for a checkup from the neck up. But we rarely, if ever, check in with that deepest part of who we are. Some call it soul, others spirit. It has many names: source, prana, life-force energy, consciousness, essence, Atman, and Self.Spiritual health is more important than mental and physical health because from our state of…

See the Universe Within & Become One With It

When we say that humans are social creatures, it doesn’t just mean that we like to gather and communicate. It means that through the many selves, a society emerges. Without society, we would have no language, and thus no thoughts. So while there is a great deal we can learn about ourselves when we close our eyes and turn our attention inward, it is also important to understand that we…

Is Happiness Getting What We Want?

What is happiness? Is it getting what we want? Is it chemicals in our brain that can be altered with substances? Is it positive thoughts and emotions? Or, is it something more?As humans, we have two modes of being: going and resting. Often, even when we are physically resting, our mind is going. When we are going, we are chasing after what we want and we are running away from…

How to Cheer Yourself Up When Feeling Low

Sometimes the flowers bloom, and sometimes they whither. Bears play, and other times they hibernate. Everything in the universe is governed by the natural cycles. We are no different. Sometimes we humans are up, and sometimes we’re low. More on how we can make peace with where we are in life, how to get where we want to go, and how to see the limitless choices that are available to…

How to Stop Relying on Other People for Your Happiness

When we expect others to make us feel better, we become the outsourcer of our own happiness. And while it can be very healing to have close people in our lives who we can share our problems with, sharing can all too easily turn into dumping. When we dump all our problems onto others with the expectation of them making us feel better, we are not valuing the other person in…

Why Does Life Always Seem to Be a Struggle?

Our mind is the determiner of whether we are happy and content, or longing and dissatisfied. We may think it is because of this situation or that one, but one way or another we find out that it always stems from our mind. The question is, will we learn to become the masters of our mind or not.Yes, we all wish for possessions, praise, friendships and a loving family. But,…

Do You Want Perfect Life? Here’s the Secret

Many people wish for a perfect life. But the wise person knows that everything is already perfect because perfection is just a mental construct. Each person may have a different idea about what perfection means to them, but it is never more than a projection of one’s own conditioning. More on how to see beauty all around us in this video.If perfection is in the eye of the beholder, then…

Why I Suddenly Lost the Peace & Joy I Once Had

Q: Dear Todd, we have struggled badly the last 2 years with duality, and inner peace. It's because we don't want to continue working in corporate America & being online constantly promoting my small business. Ironically, 3 years ago we were peaceful, happy, having fun, able to relax, and were very into esoteric teachings, could follow through on meditating, doing yoga, being resilient & adapting better. Thought we were all…

Shall I Leave My Family Behind For My Spiritual Journey?

Q: Dear Todd, there are distractions like the war in Ukraine or famine in a neighboring country, in my case Afghanistan, and people who are just trying to own more and more. I have a family to support and a job that I need just to survive. I understand that those are external stuff but they affect my relationships - I am becoming very distant from everybody, and my productivity…

The Real Reason We Feel Unworthy of Happiness

Is it possible to show love and forgiveness to those who have committed the most hateful and unforgivable sins? We've seen it time and time again, when the pope washes the feet of criminals. When victims forgive their perpetrators. And when brutal war gives way to peace. If all of these people deserve a chance at happiness, surely we do too. In this podcast episode, I talk about the real…