How Do I Handle Chronic Complaining While Seeking Personal Growth?

Q: Dear Todd, So, do we just avoid and walk away without commenting, do we just nod and show compassion with simple words without true feeling? I need to know how to respond exactly. I live with one chronic complainer currently and can't get away so simply yet. I mean, I could, but only in a situation that I don't feel is a ton better and not without a lot…

How Do We Find Comfort in the Uncomfortable?

A healthy amount of fear is good. It prevents us from taking a selfie too close to the edge of a cliff. But when fear goes beyond protecting us from danger, that's when fear becomes dangerous. When it morphs into protecting us from the slightest discomfort, then fear can become our prison. Fear is an insidious monster that can take over our entire lives if we're not careful. It can…