Why We Feel Dissatisfied With Life & How to Fix That

No matter who you are, no matter where you live, no matter how rich or how poor, job or no job, we can all fall prey to that creeping dissatisfaction that can ruin our lives. Fortunately,  peace and happiness are possible for each and every one of us. Right here. Right now. We can accept where we are, we can work towards a brighter future, and we can love every…

How to Release Resistance in Your Spiritual Journey

Q: Dear Todd, the more awareness I have, the more I see the resistance towards the situation, the people, the work, and the place. I meditated and changed my attitude case by case, bit by bit. Recently my depression is coming back, and I can't even sit still to meditate. Just started the medication. Any advice?TODD ANSWERS: First off, that's incredible that you were able to do that and see…