11 Inspirational Quotes for Tough Times

1. It’s so important that we take time to heal. That means not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. Others may think that’s selfish and we may feel guilty, but it’s the most thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate thing we can do. 2. As long as you learn from a mistake, there is no mistake. 3. Nobody is perfect. No matter what, no matter how rich they are, no…

How to Accept Things in Life That You Can’t Control

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterThe events in our life do not have a tight grip on us. We have a tight grip on the events in our life. There is no reason for us to relive our worst moments in our head, obsess over our undesired circumstances, or live in constant worry about the future.Here’s the secret to becoming free from our thoughts:Whatever makes you lose your mind,…