How to Cheer Yourself Up When Feeling Low

Sometimes the flowers bloom, and sometimes they whither. Bears play, and other times they hibernate. Everything in the universe is governed by the natural cycles. We are no different. Sometimes we humans are up, and sometimes we’re low. More on how we can make peace with where we are in life, how to get where we want to go, and how to see the limitless choices that are available to…

When There is No Hope Left, Do This

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHope is a funny thing. We like it, we crave it, and we feel we need it. But when things don’t go as we hoped, we suffer. Getting our hopes up and to have them crushed, over and over again, can be agonizing. So, what are we to do?The problem with hope is that wanting it causes our feelings of hopelessness. When we…

Why I Suddenly Lost the Peace & Joy I Once Had

Q: Dear Todd, we have struggled badly the last 2 years with duality, and inner peace. It's because we don't want to continue working in corporate America & being online constantly promoting my small business. Ironically, 3 years ago we were peaceful, happy, having fun, able to relax, and were very into esoteric teachings, could follow through on meditating, doing yoga, being resilient & adapting better. Thought we were all…

Why You Need to Stop Delaying Your Happiness

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterThe universe is in every atom. Every atom is the universe. This moment is our entire life. Our entire life is this moment.Do we give this divine moment the sacred attention it deserves? Or do we abandon and reject it as we pine for a long lost past or some imagined better future?When we sacrifice this moment for a better future moment, we are…

Can Meditation Help Fight Depression?

There are many more questions that envelope the idea behind meditation and spirituality. But one of the major questions that everyone asks is can meditation help fight depression? Depression is one of the most common yet most debilitating forms of mental illnesses a majority of us are suffering from today.The idea is that with meditation, you can begin your journey towards healing from this demon of depression. But what is…

How to Overcome Meaninglessness & Existential Depression

In Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning, we learn how Holocaust prisoners were more likely to survive if they felt there was some meaning to their senseless circumstances. In this evil place and time where life had no meaning, to survive meant finding and creating meaning wherever they could. For many, becoming hopeless meant certain death. Meaning and hope are like oxygen for the soul. So how do we…

When the Past Keeps Haunting You

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterUsually what happens when we have those unwanted, intrusive, misery-inducing thoughts, is that we are trying to suppress something that is clearly there and trying to express itself. Suppression and repression only feed negative thoughts more energy. Distraction and escape just keep them bubbling under the surface. Engaging with those thoughts feeds them too. So what the heck are we supposed to do?!The…

Do We Deserve Happiness?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterIf you are breathing, you deserve happiness. Now, I don’t mean this as some political human right or some new-agey “soul” right. I also don’t mean that we deserve to always be laughing like fools. I don’t even mean that we deserve a perfect world or a world free from suffering, because that would not actually make us happy.If we remove the suffering…

How to Stop Seeing Yourself as Failure

Overcoming the Failure Life Trap Q: I am currently struggling with a terrible sense of fear around the point at which I find myself in life right now… I have always been my harshest judge but that was what drove me on… now it is tearing me down. I am struggling to find the motivation or meaning in anything… I have read the books, done the classes, had the therapy,…

Is It Okay to Feel More Depressed After Meditation?

Sometimes, when we first start meditating, sadness and other extreme emotions may feel like they're being stirred up. But, these emotions aren't created by meditation, they are revealed by meditation. Most of our lives are spent distracted. We're always so busy doing, we don't pay any real attention to our inner world.In this episode, Todd goes into why these emotions come up in meditation, how we can process what comes…