Make This Change to Feel More Satisfied With Your Life

We humans are striving animals. More than any other species, humans have big goals, dreams and ambitions. Only humans want to change the whole world. That's both why humans are so successful, but it's also why we're never quite satisfied. So how can we be happy with what we have while still striving for more? How can we struggle our way towards success, and yet be happy along the way?…

Surprising Trick to Find Peace in Chaos

Many of us try futilely to control every aspect of our lives. But control is an illusion. We can do our best to create a perfectly calm life, but life may have other plans for us. While we can't always control our circumstances, we can control how we experience and react to them. That is where mindfulness comes in. In this episode, Todd dives deep into the nature of our…

When Your Family Doesn’t Support You, Do This One Thing

The world is changing faster than ever. Today's generation is growing up totally different than their parents.  Not everyone will understand the changes, and not all changes will be beneficial to human flourishing. When we stay balanced on our middle path, we can take into account our family's feelings, but we can also live our own life, our way and on our terms. We can welcome advice, but we can…

3 Easy Tricks to Find More Peace & Contentment in Your Life

What is the secret to peace and contentment? Why is it so elusive? We all seek it and yet very few of us have it. We are bombarded with "solutions" for discontent everywhere and all the time. This or that product will finally give you the feeling of wholeness. The next iPhone will be the last product you'll ever need... until the next model comes out. This car, that house,…

What Makes a Good Life & How to Live One

The question, "What makes a good life?" has plagued philosophers and intellectuals for millennia. It is one of, if not the most important question for our species.Everything we do is driven by our desire for a good life. And yet, despite doing our best to have a good life, we're often left feeling unhappy and dissatisfied.  If we give in to every urge and impulse, we may find ourselves sick…