You Can’t Be at Peace in a City

Q: I really, really want to see one spiritually awakened person who has a family, a 9-5 job, is financially constrained with aging parents, and still remains spiritual while doing all the mundane tasks. If I'm away in the Himalayas alone, being spiritual is automatic, not in the life described above.TODD ANSWERS: My friend, if only you knew my life. The tools may come from the mountains but they are…

Spend Time in Nature to Reduce Stress of City Life

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterAs someone who lives in New York, I’ve met a lot of lifelong New Yorkers who have told me they don’t like nature, they don’t need it, and they’re doing just fine without it. Many of those same people also confided in me that they struggle with alcohol, depression, anxiety, impatience, sleep issues, dissatisfaction in life, loneliness and stress. This is not a…

Can You Live in Peace in a Chaotic City?

Q: Dear Todd, is it even possible to live peacefully in a city of chaos? Can you live peacefully in it without getting affected by it?TODD ANSWERS: It’s certainly very easy to feel at peace in nature. It is every animal’s natural home and humans are no different. It rejuvenates us and fills our hearts with beauty and minds with the wisdom of reflection.However, I also find that being in a…

How Did You Come Back to the Normal Life After Your Long Traveling?

Q: Dear Todd, how did you manage to come back to the city and "normal" life after your extended traveling time? TODD ANSWERS: I would love to say some big wise thing like, “I recognized that all things must change.” While that is true, honestly after nine years of being in so many places and living out of a tiny suitcase, living in hostels and homestays, and constantly a wanderer,…