Breaking Free from Aggression – Is It Possible?

It is never too late to change. At any age, we can make rapid change. Here’s what’s blocking us from doing so, and here’s what we can do to become the person we wish to be.Luckily, aggression, anger, stubbornness, negativity, pessimism, impatience and tempers are not ingrained in our DNA. But they do become habits. Fortunately for us, habits can be broken in an instant.I know smokers who smoked five…

How Can I Take to Control My Anger After a Fraudulent Scam?

Q: Dear Todd, could you please give me guidance right now? I just got scammed and lost my hard-earned money when planning my family trip. I've been maintaining a high frequency the past few days but my fury doesn't seem to be contained to the point where I dreamed of finding the suspects and harming them and cursing them in all universes and existence. I know Karma will deal with…

How to Deal With Cruelty in the World

Q: Dear Todd, how do we deal with the cruelty going on right now, here in our country and elsewhere in the world? How does one control anger about towards those who are uncaring and greedy and mean?! TODD ANSWERS: Anger is an emotion that always carries us away. When we develop the ability to stay present in the midst of these emotional storms, we can recognize that anger doesn't…

Are Anger Issues Genetic?

Q: Dear Todd, is there any part of anger issues that are genetically linked or is it more of a learned behavior? The reason I ask is because my ex’s anger was intensely explosive and my 3 boys display the same type of behavior when angered. My 2 girls manage their anger really well. All five kids had the same exposure to their father’s outbursts, which were modeled for them,…

What’s the Best Way to Treat Your Enemies?

Q: Dear Todd, how can Ukrainians respond with love to their enemies?TODD ANSWERS: Someone recently asked me how I can suggest that even people in Ukraine respond with love when their lives are in danger. The person went on to tell me that they struggle with spirituality because "we have fear for a reason and if a bear is charging at you, it doesn't care if you respond with love…

Is Responding with Kindness a Strength or Weakness?

Q: Dear Todd, shouldn't we respond with our true feelings to people who hurt us and not with love and kindness?TODD ANSWERS: Someone recently asked me this question about how to respond to people who hurt us. I get it, believe me. Our first (unconscious) instinctual reaction is to respond with anger. But this would be a reaction that lacks wisdom, patience, perspective, and most importantly, efficacy. It is just…

When What’s Going in the World Makes You Angry

Q: Dear Todd, we are in a time where every man, woman, and child on earth is being threatened by a group of people or a part of the consciousness that is malevolent. The part of the race that actually is not content with what they have. Where they have so so much so-called monetary wealth and power that they have manipulated our existence and in a way have bought…

The Best Trick to Handle Emotional & Angry Outbursts

We will all feel all of the human emotions throughout our lives. That's part of life. But when we let ourselves get swept away by those emotions, then we can act unmindfully and in ways that can hurt our reputation and relationships. When our emotions carry us away, we lose ourselves and we feel the emotions with great intensity as if they are happening to us. When we are present,…

Shall We Express Our Anger Instead of Suppressing it?

Repressed emotions are one of the greatest, if not the greatest, cause of physical pain and illness in our society. For example, over 90% of all doctor visits are stress-related. This is because we are not releasing our stress in healthy ways.Nothing about spirituality should imply we need to “look the other way,” “stuff down your emotions,” or “pretend like negativity is not there.” Mindfulness is about becoming aware of…

Learn to Fight Hatred With Love

Fighting Hatred with LoveThe Dalai Lama is a man who saw his own country violently conquered. It would be all too easy to become bitter. But instead, he forgives and loves. He puts all of our measly everyday squabbles to shame. If he can find compassion for his invaders, we too can find it for our rude coworkers, family feuds, and former friends.No matter the question, love is always the…