How to Heal From Narcissistic Abuse

Q: Dear Todd, my narcissistic mother only preyed on me during my most vulnerable times. I'm beyond disappointed, and there's a lot of anger in my heart when I think of her. How can I heal? TODD ANSWERS: This is a very tough experience to go through. It is not fair that the person who should be our greatest source of love and support should act in this way. Children…

Should You or Should You Not Forgive Your Abuser?

Q: Dear Todd, “Am I supposed to be grateful for abuse and love my abuser?" Is that what spirituality is teaching me? TODD ANSWERS: I receive a lot of questions that contain a few common misperceptions about spirituality. For example, people will ask, "Does spirituality mean just being passive? Am I supposed to be grateful for abuse and love my abuser?" Spirituality is not passive or weak. It is not…

Will Forgiving Others Person Make Me Strong or Weak?

Q: Dear Todd, someone who has tried to get me to commit suicide multiple times doesn't deserve me to show them love. If I let it go and forgive, in their mind, wouldn’t that just justify hurting me?Q: Do we continue being our good selves, smiling, doing good deeds for other people, loving them, even if they treat us like something they have stepped in? After many years of trying,…