Free Screen Addiction Resources

Free Eye-Opening Screen Addiction Film | Digital Ego

A film that explores the nature of our newfound digital egos, what affect they are having on us, and how we can break free from them so we can live more fully, more authentically, and with more meaning and joy.

Understanding Screen (Digital) Addiction

Addiction comes in many forms. Whether it’s the news, video games, binge-watching, online shopping, internet browsing, VR, pornography, online gambling or something more traditional like smoking, the effects are very much the same. The habits take up our time, hijack the wiring in our brains, and they cost a lot of money. But most importantly, they are avoidance devices — they help us avoid the here and now, and ourselves.

Whatever we’re feeling goes away when we give into addiction. It’s the easy out from spending quality time with ourselves. But over time, the addiction becomes a crutch that makes us miserable. Here, I am sharing how we can all consume the digital stuff mindfully so that it brings us more peace and purpose in our lives.

News Addiction

Online Shopping Addiction

Other Free Helpful Videos

Free Screen Addiction Recovery Podcast Episodes

How to Not Let Pleasure Turn into Addiction

All addictions rob us of the chance to be at deep peace and rest. They take over our mind, and chasing the high becomes our full-time job with overtime. Learn how to enjoy your favorite activities without attachment and craving (Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Podcasts or Spotify)

How to Live Authentically in a Fake World

We are being influenced everywhere we look, from the advertisements we see to the social media we consume. Here are some simple ways to block out the noise, and reconnect with yourself. (Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Podcasts or Spotify)

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

The newsletter peaceful people read to start their week on the right foot.

Thought-Provoking Book on Digital Addiction & Detox

Digital ego book

Digital Ego

A How-to Survival Guide for the Internet

We all deserve to break free from the chains these screens have on us. With this book, we will have the tools to consciously create a new path forward, one that will return these powerful devices to the productive tools they can be, instead of just becoming the modern day cigarette.

In this book, you will learn:

  1. What the digital ego is and how to dissolve it
  2. How to take a digital detox to reset your brain’s happiness chemicals
  3. How to increase the quality of your life experiences
  4. How to become the liver of life and not just a consumer of life
  5. How to live authentically in a world of filters, bots, frauds and phonies

Kindle & Paperback Available

Useful Blogs/Q & A with Todd