New to Todd? Start Here.

Todd writes and talks about the concepts of oneness, love, and compassion. Firsthand, he has realized that we are all an integral part of this magical universe—not separate from it. We are made of it, by it, and for it. He has seen that we are all one because there is no boundary between ourselves and the universe.

Below are some of his teachings on these concepts. If you’ve just been introduced to him, these videos will help you understand more about how he sees the the universe and our place within it.

1. I am God, but so are you, and so is everyone else.

Aloneness to Oneness

Finding Your True Self

2. If you don’t like the movie of life right now, keep watching. It never stays the same for long.

3. As we breathe the air from the trees, we become the trees. As we eat the food of the earth, we become the earth. We realize that we are all one, interconnected and whole.

You Are This Moment

The Miracle of Death

4. When we realize there is no single moment we are born and there is no single moment when we die, then we can really take peace and solace in the fact that nothing is ever gone. There are only changes and transformations.

5. You are connected to everything. Everyone is you and you are everyone.

Returning to Oneness

The Art of Gratitude

6. Everywhere we look — everything around us and within us — is a miracle that we take for granted. The dance of life is playing out in all its beauty exactly as it’s supposed to.

7. Let go of pressure and stress with this mantra, “I do not need to be perfect. I do not need to have a perfect life.”

The Secret of Letting Go

The Goal of Spirituality

8. The way of wise living is to never forget that every moment is a miracle. That is the goal of spirituality, to never forget.

9. On any journey, there can be flat tires, wrong turns and detours. But that doesn’t mean we’re not getting closer to where we want to be.

Spiritual Health & Mental Wealth


10. All answers appear when the questions disappear, but we have to quiet our mind to hear them.

Weekly Writings from the Desk of Todd Perelmuter

Learn to relax in the chaos

Which Book of Todd's to Read First?

Todd has written over 10 books on various topics, including overcoming suffering, exploring the concepts of oneness, finding happiness, understanding who we are and why we’re here in the universe, and dealing with death and grief. You can find a complete list of books here, and based on your current spiritual questions, you can pick the one that resonates with you the most. If you want to explore the concept of oneness further, and you found the above teachings appealing, start with Aloneness to Oneness. It’s based on the spiritual film of the same name but delves deeper into all the concepts presented there. You can download the free chapter here or you can follow the link below to secure your copy.

aloneness to Oneness book

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