Free Anxiety Self-Help Resources
You Are This Moment | Free Life-Changing Film to Awaken to the Now
A film that makes you step out of the past and future and step into this one, eternal, magnificently precious present moment. What happened yesterday doesn’t matter. What will happen tomorrow is anyone’s guess. What we do with this moment determines the quality of our lives.
Liberate Your Mind from Anxiety
We cannot think our way out of overthinking. We cannot force our mind to stop thinking negative thoughts. And we can’t undo anxiety if we are anxiously trying to get rid of it. But we can cultivate a more positive mindset.
When we feel low, combining wisdom with calm brings about heightened state of presence. We all have a higher intelligence within us. It reveals itself when we are relaxed and joyful. May this uplifting video be the spark that ignites your joy and lifts you up.
Understanding Anxiety
Letting go of our anxiety doesn’t just improve our life. It improves the lives of those around us as well. Anxiety can often make us closed off to the world. Taking risks and putting ourself out there can become an insurmountable obstacle. So what is anxiety, why do we have it, and how can we stop it? If you’ve ever wondered about any of these questions, these free resources may bring some peace into your life.
Life is but a series of small moments. We sometimes make these moments into big ordeals in our mind. But the more we learn to take life moment by moment, the more we can learn to let go our past, our future, the stories we tell ourselves, and the more free from anxiety we will be.
Other Helpful Videos
Weekly Writings from the Desk of Todd Perelmuter
Learn to relax in the chaos
Free Anxiety Self-Help Podcast Episodes
What to Do When Anxious About Money
How can we let go of financial anxiety? How can we both handle our finances better, AND deal with our money anxiety? (Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify)
Two-Step Process to Master the Mind and Clear the Chaos Within
There is only one way to overcome our worries, fears, anger, anxiety and mental suffering — we must understand the nature of our mind and how to deal with it when it becomes obsessive and negative. (Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Podcasts or Spotify)
How to Avoid Impulsive Decisions When You’re Not Thinking Straight
When we’re anxious, stressed, angry, unhappy, depressed or grieving, impulsive thinking and behavior can easily creep into our lives. So, how do we recenter ourselves, see the bigger picture, and stay focused on our long-term well being? Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Podcasts or Spotify)
How to Stop Worrying About the Future
When we’re anxious, stressed, angry, unhappy, depressed or grieving, impulsive thinking and behavior can easily creep into our lives. So, how do we recenter ourselves, see the bigger picture, and stay focused on our long-term well being? Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify)
How to Leave Your Past in the Past
How can we change our relationship with a difficult past? How can we reframe our pain, reframe the present moment, and rediscover the beauty that is all around us? Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Podcasts or Spotify)

Aloneness to Oneness
22 Life Lessons to Change the Way You See the World
This book is a blueprint for stepping out of our separate, small, lonely existence; and into the infinite, eternal oneness of the universe. Only when we live in duality does greed, jealousy, hatred, competition and comparison arise. When we become one, only love remains.
In this book, you will learn:
- How to experience everyday ordinary life as if you are seeing the Aurora Borealis
- How to disidentify with your thoughts, not give power to your thoughts, and tap into your higher wisdom as the watcher of your thoughts
- How to free yourself from the mind-made prison of thoughts
- How to embrace the great unknown
- How to discover the God/universe within
Kindle & Paperback Available
22 Spiritual Habits to Change Your Life Forever
Kindle Book Available for Just $0.99
We are our habits — both mental and physical habits. The more we replace the bad ones for good ones, the faster our life becomes amazing. This books shares the steps to take for living a life of deep peace and joy.

Useful Blogs/Q & A with Todd
Can Bliss and Trauma Coexist in the Same Moment?
Q: Dear Todd, not every moment is pleasurable, in my opinion. When your car slides off the edge of an icy logging road and time slows down, you’re going to feel instinctual, epigenetic fear coursing
How to Come Out of Survival Mode & Start Living
We are not just spiritual beings. We also have a responsibility to these physical bodies to make sure they are safe and well taken care of. It is very difficult to be spiritual when our
6 Powerful Tips to Calm Down Anxiety Attack Immediately
Let’s face it, fear and anxiety levels are higher than they’ve ever been for most people around the world since the COVID’19. We were all brought down to the knees owing to the pandemic. But
Do You Think You’re Too Anxious to Meditate?
If you think You’re Too Anxious to Meditate? Think Again. As a wise Buddhist monk once said, “If you’re too busy to meditate for an hour a day, meditate for two hours a day!” As
Anxiety Issues Making It Hard to Date
There are a few things we can do to lower anxiety. One way is to boost our confidence. This is done through practice and self-trust, so one thing to do is to try to have
The Only Thing That Solves Financial Anxiety
All of us since we were very little children, started developing a relationship around money. Unless you were born in the top 1 percent, that relationship has probably had some degree of stress and anxiety.
How to Lower Severe Anxiety & Live a Peaceful Life
Q: Dear Todd, I suffer from severe anxiety. I meditate regularly and I can relax and get into some deep states but when I finish up, I just go back to that state of hypervigilance.