How’s Your Spiritual Health?

You may get your annual physical. You may see a therapist from time to time for a checkup from the neck up. But we rarely, if ever, check in with that deepest part of who we are. Some call it soul, others spirit. It has many names: source, prana, life-force energy, consciousness, essence, Atman, and Self.

Spiritual health is more important than mental and physical health because from our state of being flows our thoughts and our actions and behaviors. When we feel a deep connection to the peace and love at the center of our being, beautiful thoughts flow naturally. When we are tapped into the wellspring of joy within us, we do not engage in harmful behaviors to bring us temporary relief. Nor do we engage in laziness.

Making sure we remove all blocks from our heart’s center is essential for having the energy, courage and optimism to tackle all of the challenges life can throw our way. When the blocks are removed, our deepest reservoir of energy can flow freely. 

So, what does it mean to listen to our heart? How do we even do that? And how do we resolve the inner conflict between our head and our heart? I answer all these questions in my latest podcast.

Here’s the spiritual health test: sit with yourself. No phones, no TV, no headphones or music. Just you and your Self. Notice what you’re feeling after 5 minutes. Then 10 minutes. And then again at 20 minutes (if you can go for an hour even better, but no pressure). Observe your thoughts and attention. Are they peaceful or disturbing? How long can you just focus on your breath before you lose focus?

This is how we measure our spiritual health. This determines if we can relax, or if our mind constantly pulls our attention away from us against our will. The mind is a servant to our higher Self, but for most of us the mind has become our master. This is why we do not feel free. More on how we can cultivate a mindset of presence, and nurture a positive mental state, in this video.

Next week, I’ll share some simple ways we can boost our spiritual health, regain control of our conscious awareness, and open up the floodgates that have closed us off to our true selves.

If you or a loved one are currently experiencing grief, my newest book has just been released on Amazon, Grief and Spiritual Healing: Surviving Life After Loss. I share in the book my own story of grief that I went through last year, as well as the teachings that helped me get through it. May it bring you and your family some comfort, healing, and light in these dark times.

Our newest film, Finding Your True Self: A Love Story, will be out next month, so keep an eye out for it. This touches on the themes laid out in my book of the same name, which is now available as an audiobook on Amazon and Audible. This audiobook delves into all of the spiritual teachings in great detail and provides a roadmap for reaching our best selves.

Be sure to leave reviews for any books and audiobooks as your honest words really help so many others find these life-changing teachings.

Much love,


Sometimes life is a comedy, and sometimes it is a tragedy. But it is always interesting. When we can step out of identification with the main character, ourself, we can enjoy the entire show. In this YouTube video, I share how we can stop obsessing over past moments of our life story, stop worrying about where the story’s going, and just sit back and enjoy the show.

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