The moment you can sit in stillness and silence, and actually allow your body and mind to become fully at rest, and be able to completely relax the same as if it’s been 1 minute or 1 hour; that is the moment that everything in life will come alive to you because you are at peace with nothing.
If we search for happiness in something outside of ourselves, whether by drugs or luxuries or praise or achievement, then our happiness becomes indentured into the servitude of our external source of happiness. We will only be happy when our craving is satisfied, and the rest of our lives will be miserable, spent in search of more happiness.
Kids or no kids, this job or that job, a beach vacation or Disney World… It’s all the play of life. There is no right or wrong. There is just exploration and learning, trying and enjoying. None of it will bring lasting happiness though. It will only reflect back to us our current state of consciousness. So this is where we must put our focus.
Happy people find everything delightful. They want for nothing. Everything is a blessing. If they get their way, wonderful. If they don’t, wonderful too because there is no dwelling on negative stories, as has become so normal today.
Happiness is something we all deserve. It is the birthright of every living being on this planet. In this video, I share how we can all rewire our brain, unlearn our mental habits that make us suffer, and start loving this wild and magical ride we find ourselves on.
To become happy is actually rather simple: keep your wants in check. Still enjoy the things you love, but do so with a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. Just notice those cravings and how they affect you.
We crave happiness. This leads us to craving pleasure. From there, it is easy to see how we can become enslaved to pleasures.
This is why it’s essential to spend a little time (between 5 to 30 plus minutes) sitting in stillness and silence. Focus on your breath if you like. Notice the quick impulses to get up or check your phone. Notice how your mind starts to scream and make your body contort. Now realize that you created that inner storm. And sit there until that storm subsides. It will come and go, come and go. But sit there until that storm recedes at least once.
Over time, patience, focus, calmness and contentment will increase dramatically. This is lasting happiness. To be in a state of inner calm, where you aren’t trying to escape your own thoughts anymore, then the entire world becomes yours because there is no situation you can’t overcome or hardship you can’t endure.
If you feel like life has started to lose meaning and the happiness has disappeared, listen to this.
From a state of being, everything becomes a source of happiness. From this state, go forth and explore everything your heart calls out for. From this state of being that is beyond the need for praise, fearlessly try and fail and try again, but always learn and grow and you’ll keep on moving up.
Much love,
P.S. Thank you so much to everybody who’s reached out to share how the book Aloneness to Oneness has impacted their life or the life of a loved one. I have heard from many people asking if there will be an audiobook soon, and I am happy to say that I have been squirreled away in the studio making it happen. If you haven’t yet checked it out and want to feel that “one with everything” feeling all the time, you can get it here.