How I Cured My ADHD With Meditation

And How You Can Too

These days, with screens absolutely everywhere, a lot of people find that their shortened attention span is their greatest impediment to meditation. If you’re having difficulty focusing or sitting still, this book will teach you how to concentrate.

ADHD book todd perelmuter

“When your attention is always scattered, your life is always scattered.”

What you will get from this audiobook:

1. How to pay attention and sit still

2. How to calm your mind and focus

3. How to tune out the noise and the distractions and our all-consuming thoughts

4. How to turn an attention deficit into an attention surplus

5. How people with ADHD can learn to be present without constant hyperstimulation and how they can avoid creating mental resistance to the present moment

Learn to Be Present Without Constant Hyperstimulation

How I Cured My ADHD With Meditation Audiobook

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