Become a Supporter of Peace and Oneness

If I have helped you, please consider helping someone else.
Let’s lift people up high enough so that they will be able to lend a hand to someone else in need.
We are all connected. When one person awakens, the universe awakens slightly more. When a spark turns into a fire, the light of consciousness will engulf this world. Your donation, however large or small, is the kindling for this wildfire to spread and take hold. The revolution, the total transformation of our planet, starts within every heart. When we know ourselves, we know the universe entire. When one person discovers the raging love within, the love cannot be contained.
Even if your small donation helps these timeless teachings reach just one person who is suffering despair and depression, that donation will have changed the world. Every action creates a reaction, which creates another reaction, and another, and another. Your destiny is tied up with the destiny of humanity. When hatred, cruelty and violence become intolerable, love will prevail. But it will take all of us doing everything we can. I will do my part. Will you join me on this journey?
Join Hands with Todd to Transform Millions More Lives
The principles you support when you support Todd
Every single person deserves to know they are not alone, that there is a way out of suffering, and that peace is possible in this life. The teachings I share should not stay locked up in a remote monastery at the top of a mountain in the Far East. Everyone everywhere has a right to the wisdom of our ancestors.
When people tell me that one of my videos or books helped them out of a close call with suicide, it is for them that I work tireless nights on getting this life-changing message out to the world.
Every single person I help lift up out of depression, unhappiness, and feelings of separateness and isolation, it is truly thanks to your support. I couldn’t do any of it without you.
That’s why, at EastWesticism, there is now a Wall of Gratitude to showcase all of the amazing supporters who make this work possible. Your generosity gives me such hope for this world and reaffirms my faith in this magical universe.
If you share these values, if my videos, podcasts or books have helped you in some way, and if you want to pass it forward, consider making a tax-deductible donation.
Other Ways You Can Support the Cause
If you would like to support this vital cause of bringing peace and healing to the world, then please join hands with me in making this world a little kinder and more peaceful. Every single contribution makes every single thing I do possible.