Does Universe Understand Negation in Mantras?

Q: Dear Todd, does universe know a negation or a negative? If you say it does the universe hears the opposite? I really get so confused sometimes with all the spiritual understanding.

TODD ANSWERS: That’s a great question. Negation only happens when there is suppression or repression of a concept. For example, don’t think of a monkey. The mantra, “I do not need to be perfect, I do not need a perfect life”, is simply to deeply understand the concept that we don’t need a perfect life. There is nothing we are trying to suppress here.

Another famous mantra used in India is, “I am not my body, I am not even my mind.” It has the word “not,” but nothing is being suppressed, so it works.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sabina

    Thank you Todd for bringing us ways to reach our spirituality and being mindful. I really enjoy reading your articles and listening to your spiritual messages in YouTube or Pod Cast.

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