Do You Know Yourself?

All loving relationships start with knowing. All problems stem from a lack of understanding. If we are to love ourselves, love others as ourselves, and eliminate internal and external conflict, we must know ourselves.

The wisdom that arises from understanding who we truly are cannot be told to us. Just as we cannot develop a good relationship with another person by simply reading about relationships, we cannot develop a good relationship with ourself by reading or listening to someone else.

A teacher can help you build the telescope, point it in the right direction, but you must look through the eyepiece yourself.

Strange as it may sound, most of us spend very little time with ourselves. The mind, afraid to be explored and investigated, fills up every minute of our day with tasks, distracting thoughts, and constant entertainment. In my latest podcast, I share two simple steps to understanding the mind and freeing ourselves from this inner chaos. 

Study your mind and you will understand yourself, other people, and the nature of illusory problems. We must each become experts of our own mind. Only when we understand what we do and why we do it, will we be free to actually make a choice. Otherwise we will just be like a dog chasing a mail truck with no idea why, no idea what we’ll do when we catch it, and no way to stop ourselves.

Couples have date nights. Friends hang out together. Even coworkers bond outside of work. Even more so, we need some quality time with numero uno.

Thoughts aren’t commands that dictate what we must do and how we must feel. It only seems that way because we have never truly explored these ever arising and passing away thoughts. In a recent YouTube video, I share the secrets to quieting our inner monologue, I discuss why we have these constant thoughts, why they are often so negative and chaotic, and how to condition our mind so that it becomes more joyful and peaceful.

If the unexamined life is not worth living, the unexamined mind is not worth having.

Much love,


P.S. Work stress is one of the leading causes of stress in our lives. It often spills over into our personal lives as well. Learn how to embrace work stress, how to dissolve it, and how to prevent it from arising in the first place here.

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