This is the story of how I cured my ADHD with meditation. When I was 13 years old, being a bit impulsive and a bit of a dreamer, neither of which was too pleasing to my school teachers, my parents took me to a place with many doctors and experts in lab coats who specialized in diagnosing children with various behavioral disorders. I didn’t really understand what was going on except that I got to get out of school for the day.
What’s My Story of Discovering and Living with ADHD?
I was the class clown at that age, always cracking jokes and talking during class. I spent a lot of time in the hallway for being too funny (at least that was my take on it, the teachers would’ve called it “being disruptive”). My parents, very well-intentioned, decided some professional help might just do the trick.
At this time, ADHD was a skyrocketing phenomenon, and trust in doctors and pharmaceuticals was much higher than it is today. And back then, much like today, parents wanted everything for their children and would do anything to make sure they had every opportunity and advantage in life.
So there I was at 13, in a building that was strange to me, being asked to draw whatever I felt like, fill out questionnaires, take tests, complete puzzles and IQ-like games, and answer hundreds of questions, all to psychoanalyze me so that these doctors could decide which medication would be best for me.
The Symptoms that Started to Show
While my grades were very good, and perhaps because they were very good, I was always extremely bored in class. I felt like school taught to the slowest student in the classroom and as I was picking up things quickly, I had nothing else to do to pass the time but whisper to my friends, makeup jokes, and stare out the window bored out of my mind.
If this was ADHD, I was guilty of it. I certainly lacked the patience to sit still all day listening to teachers explain things I already knew and understood fully well. I would constantly be told to sit still and be quiet. But no one really teaches children how to be patient and present, do they?
The questions these doctors were asking me all seemed very strange to me, even at the time. They were questions like, “Do you sometimes lose things?” “Do you ever have trouble paying attention in class?” “Do you have trouble sitting still for very long periods of time?” “Do you ever daydream?”
“Doesn’t every kid?” I thought.
The Diagnosis and Drugs
Sure enough, I was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed the mind-altering behavior-changing psycho-stimulant known as Ritalin. I was basically told that I would need to be on this drug all day, every day, for the rest of my life.
So, I tried it, as all the grown-ups told me to, and I liked it! I mean, hey, what could go wrong with feeding a child methylphenidate?
Well, a lot can go wrong it turns out. When we give children medication to use as coping mechanisms or for behavioral changes, we’re robbing them of learning how to deal with their emotions and behaviors naturally. It’s like we’re giving them crutches to walk on forever, but it leaves their legs weak, feeble, and unusable.
They then grow to depend on the crutch, and when it’s done in their early and formative years, it literally stunts their personal growth and ability to learn these important abilities and skills.
The Limbo of Feeling Better But Not Really
Don’t get me wrong, I loved the Ritalin. I had more energy. It reduced my appetite and made me more fit. I was less imaginative and creative, but that was seen as a good thing by all my teachers. But, something inside me said taking this drug wasn’t right. I was a creative person by nature—a photographer, painter, actor and writer.
As I got older, I began to question how a brand new drug for a brand new disorder could possibly be a necessary solution, if for thousands of years people just lived and got on without it.
While I had more energy, and supposedly a greater ability to focus, I was still the same old me. I was a chronic procrastinator and I wanted to learn how to focus and use my time better naturally.
How I Really Cured My ADHD
This story of how I cured my ADHD is also the story of how I accidentally stumbled upon the entire concept of spirituality and meditation. When I was 16 years old and a typical teenager who was more interested in having fun than being able to focus, by accident or by fate I stumbled upon a book on my older brother’s bookshelf about Eastern spirituality and philosophy. It spoke about being present and I thought it could help me with my procrastination problem.
Well, as you may already know, this book was not at all about procrastination. But it was so much more important and necessary for my life. It was about noticing the nature of my mind, mastering single-pointed focus, and becoming free from thought itself. This book was my introduction to spirituality. It was also the first step toward curing my ADHD with meditation.
If I had known what this book was really about, I never would have read it. But once I opened it up, it just spoke to me and everything I was having difficulty within my life. I wasn’t impulsive because I had ADHD; I was impulsive because I wasn’t living mindfully and in the present moment.
Moreover, I wasn’t distracted because I had a disorder; I was distracted because I was constantly in my head, lost in thought and unable to observe what was happening around me with stillness and calmness.
How I Began the Journey to Meditation?
I did not know at the time that ADHD could be cured by meditation, but while reading the book I began trying different types of meditation to see if any of them made a difference with my ADHD. Finally, I discovered a series of techniques that rendered my Ritalin ineffective. In fact, I was more focused without it. At first, the doctors wanted to try a different medication to see if something new would work better.
They put me on Concerta. You know, just another powerful drug that can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, panic, delirium, psychosis, and heart failure. They never even bothered to see if the Ritalin had stopped working because I no longer needed it.
Luckily, being the slightly rebellious teenager that I was, I decided to give it up and go cold turkey. I never looked back. My intuitions were right. There was nothing physically wrong with me. It was merely a child’s natural response to a hyperactive world.
My grades remained strong, I stayed out of trouble, and I was doing it all naturally and on my own. A couple of years later, I got into a great art college where my talents were appreciated and I was able to thrive. Later I got a job where I was able to put my creativity to work and excelled up the ladder rapidly. I don’t know if my success would have been possible if I had stayed medicated.
Paving The Path To Health, Healing, And Happiness
To this day, I have many friends who are currently suffering from bladder problems and heart pain due to their continued use of various ADHD medications. Meanwhile, I have been able to sit still for 12 hours straight observing only my breath in deep meditation.
My focus, concentration, and attention span are far beyond what’s “normal” in our highly distracted, multi-asking, technological age.
Today, ADD/ADHD diagnoses and prescriptions are at all-time highs, while attention spans are at all-time lows. But if we really want the best for our children and for ourselves, take it from me, I cured my ADHD with meditation, and meditation is the best medication. If I can do it with absolutely no self-discipline, patience or impulse control, you can too.
How I Cured My ADHD With Meditation
And How You Can Too
These days, with screens absolutely everywhere, a lot of people find that their shortened attention span is their greatest impediment to meditation. If you’re having difficulty focusing or sitting still, this book will teach you how to concentrate.

“When your attention is always scattered, your life is always scattered.”
How I Cured My ADHD With Meditation And How You Can Too
What you will get from this audiobook:
1. How to pay attention and sit still
2. How to calm your mind and focus
3. How to tune out the noise, the distractions, and our all-consuming thoughts
4. How to turn an attention deficit into an attention surplus
5. How people with ADHD can learn to be present without constant hyperstimulation and how they can avoid creating mental resistance to the present moment
Learn to Be Present Without Constant Hyperstimulation
How I Cured My ADHD With Meditation Audiobook