Free Grief & Loss Resources
Free Award-Winning Heartwarming Spiritual Film | The Miracle of Death
A film on the beauty of grief and the miracle of death. This film is for everyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, for those who may be confronted with illness and mortality, and for everyone who’s wondered what’s next, where we’re going, and ultimately, why we’re here.
Healing From Grief, Loss and Death of a Loved One
For those who have lost so much. For those who have been put through more than your fair share of suffering. For those who have been beaten down by life time and time again. For those who feel weak and tired from torment. I just want to say, you are brave. You are strong. You have gone through so much and are still here. You are a survivor. A fighter. And if you can get through all that you’ve gone through, you can get through anything. You’ve got this.
Be patient with yourself. Be kind to yourself. And don’t forget to love yourself. In this video, I share how we can all get through these most difficult times of loss in our lives. Whether it’s a person, a pet, or a breakup, these devastating events can change us forever. May these words bring you some solace and meaning.
Other Free Helpful Videos
Free Grief & Loss Podcast Episodes
My Story of Grief
How does someone who teaches about spirituality grieve? What does loss look like to someone who teaches non-attachment and impermanence? I share my story of grief and loss, how spirituality has been my rock and guiding light in these dark times, and how we can all prepare for, and survive, these most challenging of times. (Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Podcasts or Spotify)
Why Does it Feel Wrong to Seek Inner Peace While Grieving?
How can we communicate our loss without feeling guilty about the way we express it? Why do we feel pressure to conform and how can we grieve on our own terms? I also share some stories of how I dealt with grief in my own life. (Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify)
How to Be at Peace If Life Is Unfair
How can we understand the seeming unfairness in our world? How should we exist in, and respond to, an unfair world? Should we try to live rightly, or just look out for ourselves? I talk about what a good life can truly be. (Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify)
How to Get Through Life’s Most Difficult Situations
Pain and loss are intricately intertwined in the journey of life. But this pain does not define us unless we let it. So, how can we start to look at pain without fear? And how can we turn pain into purpose? (Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Podcasts or Spotify)
Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter
When the world seems crazy, it’s time to get back on the Path to Peace.
Coping with the Loss of a Pet
Losing a pet is one of the most painful experiences we can go through. Our little friends become parts of the family. And these little buddies are there for us no matter what. They don’t criticize us or judge us. They simply teach us what true, unconditional love looks like.
While nothing can be said that will alleviate the pain, hopefully this video will give you some simple but profound ways to cope, to heal, and to honor their memory.
Transformative Books on Grief, Loss and Death

Grief and Spiritual Healing
Surviving Life After Loss
We never get over loss. We never forget our loved ones. But we can move forward in a new way, one that keeps their memory alive, that honors our loved ones, and that recognizes nothing can ever truly be lost.
In this book, you will learn:
- How to Fight the Grief Monster
- How to Not Be Afraid of Life After Loss
- How to Overcome the Meaninglessness That Accompanies Loss
- How to Face the Impermanence of Life
- How to Come Out of Darkness and Into the Light
Kindle & Paperback Available
Death, Life and Oneness
Spiritual Wisdom from the Gita
Go on a journey to conquer your fear of death, find the courage to face life head on, and bask in the oneness of our universe. In the book, Death, Life and Oneness, find ancient healing wisdom for our modern chaotic times.
In this book, you will learn:
- How to experience spiritual oneness
- How to practice non-attachment
- How to find peace and happiness within
- The meaning and purpose of life
Audiobook, Kindle & Paperback Available

Useful Blogs/Q & A with Todd
All relationships end in tragedy. Are they worth it?
Whether it’s a family member, pet, or cherished friend, at some point in our life we will lose the ones we love. Or they will lose us. Heartbreak lies ahead for every single one of
At 65, How Do I Balance Grief and the Desire for Change?
Q: Dear Todd, I am mentally ill, widowed, and my toddler died too. So, I raised four other kids alone. I have been in a hospital once for depression after hurricanes Irma and Maria hit
14 Inspirational Quotes After Losing a Loved One
If grief is love unexpressed, then express that love to yourself so the healing can take place. When we relinquish our attempt to control or suppress our grief and simply allow it to exist, we
I Am Close to My Breaking Point
Q: Dear Todd, I lost my dad a year and a half ago and since then, I have been isolated and have been utterly abandoned by relatives and so-called friends. I really and truly don’t
Grieving Alone: Finding Strength When Family and Friends Are Distant
Q: Dear Todd, my wife was the closest person to me and she died last year, and now I’m stuck on this hell rock of a planet. I’m not that close to a lot of
Why Does it Feel Wrong to Seek Inner Peace While Grieving?
Grief is so much more than a personal journey. It’s how we show our love for those we’ve lost to our friends and family. It’s communal and it’s one of the ways we all come
Pet Loss: How to Let Go of Guilt
Losing a beloved pet is a profound and emotional experience, and it’s entirely normal to feel a range of emotions, including grief and guilt. The bond between a pet and its owner is a unique
My Spiritual Experience with Grief & Healing
Recently, my family has been struck with that most unfortunate of news. A giant in our lives and a guiding light was recently diagnosed with late stage terminal cancer. While I have been mostly offline
My Grief Journey: How Spirituality Helped Me Cope With Loss
Recently, my family was stuck with that most tragic of news that every family receives but no one ever expects. A few weeks ago, we got the call that one of the closest people in
How to Be at Peace If Life Is Unfair
I know it, and you know it. Terrible things happen to wonderful people and wonderful things happen to people who’ve done tremendous harm. If even a great man like Gandhi was assassinated, what chance do
I Lost My Soulmate. How Do I Let Go of My Love?
Losing a soulmate can mean the loss of a partner due to death, divorce, or unrequited love. I will cover all three cases and discuss how to survive each one. Case 1) Lost My Soulmate: