Coffee With Todd

Good Coffee, Conversations & Company
Because of work, I travel a lot. When I’m not speaking, filming or writing, I love getting to know people over coffee, tea, chai, espresso, matcha and yerba mate. As so many people have reached out and kindly offered their hospitality if I am ever in their city, I am organizing Coffee With Todd. I have a few questions just to make sure you’re a real person and won’t try to kill me (my mom made me say that). Please answer as honestly and thoroughly as possible.
Off-Limit Topics: I can’t give any recommendations of places or people to visit; what may have been a pleasant silent retreat for me could be a nightmare for someone else. Money, business and romance are also things I like to keep private. What I really want to do in the limited time we have together is get to know each other, connect about life, the universe, oneness and peace. Of course, we can also talk about any other topics of interest to you, such as movies, music, comedy, or Superman.
When/Where: You will receive an email if I am coming to your city and you filled out the form.
Privacy: Everything in this form is kept 100% confidential. It’s just for me to know you better.
***Note: Some portions of our conversation will be recorded and may be published online.