Was Pandemic & Being Alone Good For People

Q: Dear Todd, so do you personally think that the COVID pandemic and being alone mostly, separated and the lack of connection and community was good for people? I certainly don't think so. What's your perspective? Being still, quiet, finding peace! So meditation is possibly the most important thing anyone can practice. But I personally think connection within the community is equally, if not more important. TODD ANSWERS: I don’t…

When the Past Keeps Haunting You

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterUsually what happens when we have those unwanted, intrusive, misery-inducing thoughts, is that we are trying to suppress something that is clearly there and trying to express itself. Suppression and repression only feed negative thoughts more energy. Distraction and escape just keep them bubbling under the surface. Engaging with those thoughts feeds them too. So what the heck are we supposed to do?!The…

Is Earning Money an Attachment?

Despite what we may feel about it, most of us live in a capitalist society that requires us to earn money in order to survive. It is all in the "how" we earn money that makes all the difference. Are we hurting our fellow humans and creatures or are we helping? Are we sacrificing our health or our relationships for money? Or are we using our occupation to nourish ourselves…

Want to Experience Spiritual Oneness? Here’s the Secret

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWhat is Spiritual Oneness?When we explore closely the nature of the self, which is the object we can most closely observe, we see that we are nothing more than a mental concept. In truth, we are inextricably connected to our parents, and their parents, and their parents, and on and on forever.We’ll see that we are the trees, whose air we breathe. We…

Can I Reach Enlightenment If I Have Family?

There is no doubt that it is easier to meditate all day when we live in a monastery. But, while meditation is essential for understanding the mind and the nature of consciousness, that’s not all there is to reaching our ultimate potential.We humans forget that we are spiritual beings, but we also like to forget that we are animals. We have innate social drivers and a desire to procreate. We…

My Favorite 17 Quotes From “Finding Your True Self: A Love Story” Book

1. Loving others does need to start with loving ourselves.2. Our relationship with ourselves is the most important relationship we have.3. By going through pain and surviving, we become examples to the world that they're not alone, that they can overcome, they can do better, and get better.4. No matter the question, love is always the answer. Forgiveness is freeing.5. Wear your scars proud my friend, for you can do…

If God is Good, Why Does Evil Exist in Life?

Someone recently asked me, "How do you reconcile the whole, 'Everything is a beautiful part of the tapestry,' with all the ugliness present in the world? Is hatred, malice, vengeance not a part of the tapestry?" In this podcast, I talk about why we can't see the beauty, balance and oneness. I talk about what obscures our view of the miraculous nature of our universe. And I share how we…

Why Do We Experience Stuff

Q: Dear Todd, spirituality takes me away from alcohol, cigarettes, porn, sex, and marijuana. This mind does not search for bliss from materials. It’s trying to express infinite love. It always wanted to do so; everyone wants to do so. The intention is beautiful, but the direction is less correct.I also know that the mind cannot go beyond time, space, and causality. This mind is not intelligent, although it appears…

Is It Possible to Find Peace While People in Other Countries Suffer?

Q: Dear Todd, is it possible to maintain inner peace when the world is going through so much? There are wars, terrorism and human rights violations. Is it achievable to be peaceful while other countries are suffering?Todd Answers: Isn’t it interesting that a parent with a child in danger can run and save the child without thinking but if we watch TV we get stress and sadness? This empathy is…

My Negative Thoughts Are Necessary For My Growth

Q: Dear Todd, I'm personally struggling with negative thoughts of myself vs reality thoughts. Meaning...my thoughts might appear negative to someone listening in but they seem to be necessary as they are making me work harder and have resulted in attainable goals I've set for myself to remove the thoughts altogether. Any thoughts? TODD ANSWERS: It's not about silencing your thoughts. It's about using our minds effectively, efficiently, and in…