How Do I Know I Need Meditation?

“The greatest relationship we’ll ever have is with ourselves, yet so many people don’t take the time to know what makes them truly happy.” – Todd PerelmuterWelcome to the first step on the path to peace. Before you can heal thyself, you must know thyself. Once you finish this short quiz, you’ll be able to achieve the following:Know yourself better.Know where you are.Discover where you want to be.Understand how to…

Is Consciousness a Creation of the Brain?

It appears to me that the brain is a creation of consciousness. I interpret the double-slit experiment to demonstrate that consciousness creates our physical reality. Every atom, and the space between, is infused with the underlying unifying field of consciousness, and it is brought forth from wave to matter when it interacts with our consciousness. And that universal, infinite, all-dimensional consciousness is a fundamental nature of our universe. No matter…

How to Move Past the Illusion of Separateness

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterBeing present isn’t just about being fully engaged and aware, although that is a part of it. It means getting out of our head and connecting to this bigger and broader universe. It’s about going beyond the words we hear, say and think. It’s seeing more than the objects in front of our faces. It is to be deeply connected with everything.When we…

13 Best Social Media Addiction Quotes From Digital Ego Book

1. Just like the body is constantly eliminating toxins, the mind needs to as well. We need to give it time to rest, reflect, and find peace in the present moment. 2. Life will sometimes be exciting, and sometimes it'll be uneventful. Both of these are just parts of life. We can either escape life, or we can embrace it. 3. When we are mindlessly taking our phone out, then…

How to Practice Gratitude When You Don’t Feel Grateful

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterGratitude is like a light switch. When it’s on, it’s easy to see all of the blessings in our lives. When it’s off, we have nothing and are lost in darkness.So how do we turn on that light switch of gratitude when we don’t like what’s going on in our lives? To flip that switch, we have to do three things.First, we have…

When Future Seems Dark, Uncertain And Scary

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWhat can we do when the future looks scary, uncertain, or dark? The same thing we need to do when the future looks amazing and bright — discover the peace within us right now. How we feel now determines how we feel about the future, not the other way around.No matter what is troubling us — whether it’s loss, regret, stress or hopelessness —…

Why does Life Suck So Much? And What to Do?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterI won’t lie. Sometimes, life sucks. When I went hiking in Nepal’s Himalayan Mountains, there were many very hard climbs, followed by very easy descents. This is the nature of any journey: there will be constant ups and downs. The more we understand this, the more we can enjoy the journey. Here’s the secret to facing good news and bad news without getting…

How Do We Find Comfort in the Uncomfortable?

A healthy amount of fear is good. It prevents us from taking a selfie too close to the edge of a cliff. But when fear goes beyond protecting us from danger, that's when fear becomes dangerous. When it morphs into protecting us from the slightest discomfort, then fear can become our prison. Fear is an insidious monster that can take over our entire lives if we're not careful. It can…

Can I Change My Perspective Through Meditation?

When we operate from our ego, we have a very small, narrow perspective. Looking at things from a broader perspective, from other people's perspective, or even from the universal perspective, a much greater wisdom can arise within us.Only through meditation and mindfulness can we truly see things from the broadest perspective possible. We don't make ourselves the victim because we don't frame circumstances as "happening to us." We don't compare…

Secret to Finding Purpose When Life Feels Purposeless

Q 1: Dear Todd, how do I accept that life has no meaning? Don't we have to have a purpose in life?Q 2: Dear Todd, I find myself depressed because of the realization that is no true meaning or purpose to our lives. Everything is neutral until we assign it meaning. Therefore everything is pointless, without purpose, including suffering and pain, including love and joy. Can you help me reframe…