Reason Why You Haven’t Found Peace & What to Do

Q: Dear Todd, I'm 49 and have not found peace yet. I have all the time in the world to meditate, eat healthy and exercise but it is hard to take the first step. Hoping I will get on the path of enlightenment and will start moving instead of being lazy and wishing for it. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: Try not to carry all your ambitions and goals on your shoulders…

Aren’t We Just Making Excuses For Mean People?

Q: Dear Todd, if mean people who hurt others have a "disconnect from infinite joy and peace within", then what about those people who have had horrible lives and yet don't hurt people or lie, cheat, etc…? Aren't we just giving these mean people a free pass? Making an excuse for them?TODD ANSWERS: I definitely don’t give them a pass, but I just don’t know what good comes from judging…

If We Are All God Then There’s No Need to Stop God in Form of Hitler

Q: Dear Todd, if you're really to consider Non-Duality on a deep level you'll come up against the idea that free will is just an illusion, and so is morality, and if we are all God then there's no reason to stop God in the form of Hitler from committing atrocities. And a whole lot of other stuff.TODD ANSWERS: I don’t see a tiger fighting a buffalo and think to…