How to Practice Inner Stillness the Right Way

Q: Dear Todd, how should we practice stillness? Do we need to sit in silence and hold our breath?How to achieve inner stillness TODD ANSWERS: Ha! Please don’t hold your breath for too long. It is much better to practice watching your breath because your breath is always with you. You don’t have to try to freeze, because your brain will always be receiving information (light, sound, etc…). But what you…

Will Forgiving Others Person Make Me Strong or Weak?

Q: Dear Todd, someone who has tried to get me to commit suicide multiple times doesn't deserve me to show them love. If I let it go and forgive, in their mind, wouldn’t that just justify hurting me?Q: Do we continue being our good selves, smiling, doing good deeds for other people, loving them, even if they treat us like something they have stepped in? After many years of trying,…

When We Feel Fear is That Ego? Or Unhealed Part of Ourselves?

Q: Dear Todd, so when we feel fear or experience suffering is that always the ego? Or is it an unhealed part of ourselves? Or both? TODD ANSWERS: Both and neither. These feelings of fear are merely evolutionary traits we have developed to stay far away from tigers and the edges of cliffs. Suffering is what tells us not to put our hands in the fire. But today, it is…

NYC Ad Executive Goes on a Spiritual Journey to India

After quitting his high-paying advertising job, giving away all his belongings, moving out of his New York City apartment and buying a one-way ticket to India, he finally arrives in spiritual capital of the world.Hear what he finds, what he does, and how he got fleeced twice in two days.  See how everything he had been searching for miraculously presented itself to him. Learn the lessons that India taught him…

How Did You Come Back to the Normal Life After Your Long Traveling?

Q: Dear Todd, how did you manage to come back to the city and "normal" life after your extended traveling time? TODD ANSWERS: I would love to say some big wise thing like, “I recognized that all things must change.” While that is true, honestly after nine years of being in so many places and living out of a tiny suitcase, living in hostels and homestays, and constantly a wanderer,…

Can spirituality and desire to make more money go together?

Q: Dear Todd, can spirituality and desire to make more money go together? TODD ANSWERS: There is nothing wrong with wealth in and of itself. It’s only when we put profits above people, when attachment to wealth creates suffering, and when fear of loss disturbs our inner peace that wealth and the pursuit of wealth become problematic. We all want a comfortable life and people should be rewarded for their…

Most Expensive Ashram in India. Was It Worth It?

Ever thought of Eat Pray Love -ing your way around the world? Ever thought you might like to try following in the footsteps of the Beatles and going to Rishikesh, India to get your meditation on?  Ever wondered what really goes on in these places and if the key to your happiness lies inside? Then you're going to want to hear this podcast. In this episode, Todd Perelmuter recounts his…

Having Spiritual Incompatibility Within Your Marriage?

As we embark upon the spiritual journey within, we may find that what we used to like no longer allures us. We may find that things we once disliked are now peaceful and calming. And as we change, we may notice our relationships also changing. This is a normal part of growth that happens throughout our lives. But what do we do when the people we love refuse to take…

Reason Why You Haven’t Found Peace & What to Do

Q: Dear Todd, I'm 49 and have not found peace yet. I have all the time in the world to meditate, eat healthy and exercise but it is hard to take the first step. Hoping I will get on the path of enlightenment and will start moving instead of being lazy and wishing for it. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: Try not to carry all your ambitions and goals on your shoulders…

Aren’t We Just Making Excuses For Mean People?

Q: Dear Todd, if mean people who hurt others have a "disconnect from infinite joy and peace within", then what about those people who have had horrible lives and yet don't hurt people or lie, cheat, etc…? Aren't we just giving these mean people a free pass? Making an excuse for them?TODD ANSWERS: I definitely don’t give them a pass, but I just don’t know what good comes from judging…