A Monk’s Guide to Living a Conscious, Meaningful Life

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”On trial for corrupting the minds of his students, for which he was sentenced to death, Socrates defended himself by saying, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”While many scholars may see this phrase as evidence that he meant we should sit around lost in thought, I believe Socrates was pointing to something much deeper. To examine, we must observe. To observe, we must…

How to Exhaust Your Ego

Q: Dear Todd, how to exhaust your ego?TODD ANSWERS: I gotta say, trying to exhaust the ego sounds... exhausting. I think the way to quiet the ego isn’t to battle against it, as the internal conflict will disturb our inner peace. Instead, I like to play with my ego, not work against it. If it’s behaving like an immature child, it’s still MY immature child, so I’m going to love…

My Experience at Himalayan Monastery — Buddhism Podcast

Without knowing hardly anything about Buddhism, Todd Perelmuter decided to jump in with both feet by going to live at a Buddhist monastery as a monk in the Himalayan mountains in India.After months of living in complete silence, without technology or a phone, and even without books except for Buddhist texts, Todd discovered a wisdom and philosophy that would totally change his life as it had for countless Buddhists for…

Does Believing in Spiritual Oneness Means Rejecting God?

Whether a person is religious or an atheist, it is common to wonder if spirituality, Buddhism,  yoga or meditation go against their beliefs. Some worry they are sinning or that they will be punished in some way. And still others fear this will lead them into atheism.So, does oneness conflict with any religions? Is it compatible with no religion? Does it clash with science?  And can I keep my old…

Am I Meditating? What Does a Meditative State Feel Like?

Ever wondered if you're actually meditating while you're meditating? Ever wondered what a meditative state is like? Then tune in. In this podcast, Todd Perelmuter  talks about the key differences between a meditator's mind and a normal person's mind. You'll hear all the benefits a highly focused, meditative state can bring, and how to get it. Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

How to Dissolve the Ego: The Most Efficient Method

Some people want to kill their ego. Others want to dissolve it. And yet others will say just make peace with it. So what is it? Violence certainly doesn't sound good. Is it even possible to dissolve it? Peace sounds good, but the ego tends to not be very peaceful.In today's podcast, I answer all these questions in depth, as well as discuss how we can use the ego as…

Can You Live in Peace in a Chaotic City?

Q: Dear Todd, is it even possible to live peacefully in a city of chaos? Can you live peacefully in it without getting affected by it?TODD ANSWERS: It’s certainly very easy to feel at peace in nature. It is every animal’s natural home and humans are no different. It rejuvenates us and fills our hearts with beauty and minds with the wisdom of reflection.However, I also find that being in a…

Unforgettable Spiritual Lessons From a Shaman in Chile

On a vacation in Chile, Todd hoped to meet with a shaman to learn about the spirituality of the indigenous people of South America. Unfortunately, the shaman had left his home for the winter. However, just one day before Todd was scheduled to leave Chile, his travel companion, who was Chilean, received an unexpected phone call: the shaman would see him now.In this podcast, I share the beautiful beliefs the…

How to Practice Inner Stillness the Right Way

Q: Dear Todd, how should we practice stillness? Do we need to sit in silence and hold our breath?How to achieve inner stillness TODD ANSWERS: Ha! Please don’t hold your breath for too long. It is much better to practice watching your breath because your breath is always with you. You don’t have to try to freeze, because your brain will always be receiving information (light, sound, etc…). But what you…

Will Forgiving Others Person Make Me Strong or Weak?

Q: Dear Todd, someone who has tried to get me to commit suicide multiple times doesn't deserve me to show them love. If I let it go and forgive, in their mind, wouldn’t that just justify hurting me?Q: Do we continue being our good selves, smiling, doing good deeds for other people, loving them, even if they treat us like something they have stepped in? After many years of trying,…