How to Achieve or Believe in Oneness

There is nothing to believe. Once you experience it, you will know. A deep knowing will arise when you begin to raise your consciousness to see the interconnectedness of all things.As we focus more on the space between objects and the silence between thoughts and words. There is an energy field that connects the entire universe and that lies between all things. Science has proven it but we can experience…

Can People in War-Torn Countries Experience Inner Peace?

Q: Dear Todd, how would someone, say in Ukraine at this time, for example, freezing no water no food, no home, how can they feel they are exactly where they should be? These concepts escape me, is our moment of suffering ordained?Todd Answers: With our physical needs unmet, we will not even be alive to enjoy having our spiritual needs met. Physical needs must always take precedence. However, there are Buddhist…

How Can We Live a Life Worth Living

When we embark upon our path to peace, we frequently find ourselves at a fork in the road. One way, is safe, easy, familiar and has the allure of peacefulness.  The other way is scary, unknown, adventurous and requires great courage. One way seeks outer peace, but the other way creates inner peace. When our inner peace is dependent on external circumstances, we will have a chaotic life. When we…

Todd Perelmuter Quits His Job to Go on a Spiritual Journey

After meeting his shaman in Chile who told him to follow his heart, Todd returned to his NYC life. He was a highly awarded Creative Director at the world's largest ad agency, all by the age of 31. Hear what possessed him to leave it all behind in search of meaning and purpose. On this podcast, we'll be sharing stories and spiritual lessons from throughout his 9 year journey. So…

Is the Sense of Self True Nature?

Q: Dear Todd, is the sense of self true nature? Or just an inevitable delusion of perspectivized consciousness?Todd Answers: I would say that our sense of self is merely the turning of our consciousness back onto itself so that it can experience itself. This is how we can know ourselves — our true selves, our essence.When we look for ourselves and we peer through the thoughts, the sense-objects, and the…

Is Suffering Just in Our Mind?

Q: Dear Todd, “All suffering exists in the mind” leaves out the heart and the intuition part. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: The heart and the gut (intuition) are essential to empathy and healthy emotions. From my experience, suffering most often starts in the mind and then our heart begins to ache. Emotions are where we feel our thoughts. Occasionally, like as in physical pain, our brain receives the pain signals and…

When a Sensory Pleasure Hedonistic & When a Beautiful Experience

The distinction between a sensory pleasure being hedonistic and a beautiful experience lies in the depth and nature of the encounter. While both involve a heightened sense of enjoyment, they diverge in their underlying qualities and the impact they have on one's well-being.A sensory pleasure is often hedonistic when it prioritizes immediate gratification and indulgence in sensory stimuli. This could include the enjoyment derived from taste, touch, sight, sound, or…

How to Take Life Seriously

Q: Dear Todd, how to take life seriously?TODD ANSWERS: When we wonder whether we are taking life too seriously or not enough, we are stuck in the middle of two polarities. The key to breaking free is to not take life at all. That's right. Just leave it be. None of us are so powerful as to be able to control the many forces of the universe that were set…

How to Release Resistance in Your Spiritual Journey

Q: Dear Todd, the more awareness I have, the more I see the resistance towards the situation, the people, the work, and the place. I meditated and changed my attitude case by case, bit by bit. Recently my depression is coming back, and I can't even sit still to meditate. Just started the medication. Any advice?TODD ANSWERS: First off, that's incredible that you were able to do that and see…

What Does It Say About Me When I See Cruelty in the World

The idea that everything outside of oneself is a projection can be a complex concept to grapple with, especially when faced with the harsh realities of crime, suffering, and cruelty in the world. It's essential to approach this perspective with nuance and recognize the interplay of various factors.Q: Dear Todd, if everything outside of me is a projection of myself, then what does it mean when I see the crime…