How Visualization During Meditation Leads to Manifesting Miracles

There is nothing you need to believe or disbelieve in regards to manifestation. It is a fact, we are manifesting beings. From thought to implementation, human beings manifested every single thing in our modern society.When we visualize not just what we want but the steps to actually make it happen, we can then take action to manifest the life we desire. Anything that is possible, is possible through manifestation.We may…

My Experience at Buddhist Thai Monastery Taught Me This

Buddha often speaks of the middle path. You can think of it as the Goldilocks path — not too hot, not too cold. But this doesn't just apply to food. It applies to our spiritual path as well. We don't want to be too lazy and get no results, but we also don't want to be too rigid so that we either burn out or we become too extreme about it…

What is the True Nature of Reality?

True Nature of RealityIf an atom’s nucleus were the size of a peanut, the atom’s empty space would be the size of a baseball stadium. If the empty space in every atom of a person’s body was removed, the actual matter of that person, all the atomic and subatomic particles, would fit inside a speck of dirt. The matter of every person on earth would fill a sugar cube.Reality is…

Can a Spiritual Person Connect With a Non-Spiritual People?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHuman beings come in all shapes and sizes. No two are completely alike, and yet, we each find types of people who we most get along with. It is a natural and wonderful process that as we grow, our friends and relationships evolve and grow as well. With some people we’ll grow closer, and others further apart.Holding on and clinging to relationships that…

Where Does Consciousness Lie?

There are a few things that point to consciousness outside of this physical dimension. Number one, when we die, something nonphysical leaves our bodies, indicating it is not of this dimension of physical reality. Number two, consciousness interacts with physical reality. When matter is unobserved, it exists as a wave of energy. When consciousness observes the wave, it collapses down to matter. In any situation where one person looks at…

Should You Have Moral Qualms About Killing Mosquitoes?

I fully understand the trouble mosquitoes can cause from some of my travels through the jungles across Asia and South America. What I will say is this, there is certainly no need to feel terrible if you have killed them. Mainly because it doesn’t do any good. Does the mosquito feel guilty for drinking your blood, disturbing your sleep, and risking your health? Of course not. This is the law…

Do We Have a Choice About Whether to Become Enlightened?

Q: Dear Todd, do we have a choice whether or not to become enlightened? TODD ANSWERS: Ultimately, it is a choice. Whether people are willing to put in the work to discover how to make that choice, that is the question. It is our choice what we focus on and what we do with our time. It is our choice to let go or cling on. It is our choice…

How Can I Find Myself Spiritually?

We are social creatures. It’s an evolutionary advantage to live in close communities that look out for each other.Relationships nourish us and provide tremendous meaning in our lives. There’s no substitute for them.But, some people are natural loners. Some people choose to be alone, and others find solitude forced upon them. There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether we live as a hermit meditating in a…

Can Christians Meditate or Is It a Sin?

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter Along with the rapidly growing popularity of meditation, there has also been an explosion of confusion centered around this ancient practice. As a result, I thought of clearing one of the confusion around it. The question of can Christians meditate or is it a sin?These days, people online will claim that just about anything is meditation, whether it’s listening to someone whisper instructions…

How to Earn Money Without Losing Your Soul

There is a cosmic irony to this law of the universe: the more we try, the more likely we are to fail. This law is true in sports, art, dating, earning money and just about everything else. The more we force effort, the more we repel the thing we want. The more pressure we put on ourselves, the more nervous we get and the more mistakes we make.Forced effort isn't…