If you’re ready to let go of your negative thoughts and the baggage that is weighing you down, if you’re ready for a life filled with joy, purpose and meaning, please join me on the Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter. Being here and putting in this noble work is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others. Afterall, the more peace we bring into our lives, the more peace we bring into this world.
Anger is like pumping air into a balloon. When it starts to get overinflated, little leaks sprout up. Most of us try to cover those little holes with band-aids, such as alcohol, food, screen time, etc... But that only causes new holes to spring up. We must learn to turn off the air pump if we want to get to the root of the problem. But is anger always bad?…
Spirituality is a word that has about 8 billion definitions. So what the heck is it? How does it relate to religion? Can you have one without the other? Are they mutually exclusive or do we need both to reach our ultimate potential? In this podcast, I explore the history of religion spirituality. I talk about their impact they've had on people and on society as a whole. And I…
All addictions rob us of the chance to be at deep peace and rest. They take over our mind, and chasing the high becomes our full-time job with overtime. Only when we don’t know the deep peace within do we search for it in vain outside of ourselves. Enjoying our favorite activities without attachment and craving is the key to freedom. It is when we become attached that we sacrifice…
Is mindfulness about controlling our thoughts or suppressing them? What even is the difference? Are they even possible things to achieve? Are they even worthy of us trying? In today's episode, I lay out the differences between these two approaches to dealing with our thoughts. But more importantly, I describe a third option for approaching our thoughts that is actually easy and way more effective for generating lasting happiness and…
Without every single part of bicycle, a bike would cease to be a bike. Like each link in a bike chain, every part is integral to the form and function of the bicycle. So too, every single one of us is an expression of the universe in this moment, inseparable and indistinguishable. When we realize we are the oneness of the universe, we stop falling for the illusion of separateness…
Throughout various stages of life, nearly all of us will face some kind of abandonment, neglect, separation or avoidance by someone we care about. And, because we all go through difficult times in our lives, the chances are likely that we will be emotionally unavailable to the people we care about from time to time. It's a world full of trauma survivors traumatizing other people accidentally. But, the good news…
There is only one way to overcome our worries, fears, anger and mental suffering — we must understand the nature of our mind. When we understand the mind's nature, we become free from its tricks, games and neurotic tendencies. In today's podcast, I share two simple steps to understanding the mind and freeing ourselves from the inner chaos. I talk about what the mind is, how to deal with it…
Money. We all need it, we all want more of it, and for most of us, there is no amount of it that will ever be enough. While providing for ourselves and our families is essential and noble, sometimes making money can come at the expense of ourselves, our fellow man, and the planet. So how can we earn money, get on that rat race, but maintain our ethics, continue…
If there are no mistakes in life because they are just opportunities to learn, what about when we keep making the same mistakes over and over again? Why can't things just go well for a while? Where is the lesson?! In today's podcast, I explore how even if we feel we are making no progress, we are actually improving in subtle ways constantly. I share how buried in what seems…
What role do rituals, traditions and religious communities have in an individual's path to spiritual awakening? Can religion help us reach our ultimate potential? Or, are they nothing but superstitions and fairy tales? Do they create positive outlets for spiritual growth, or do they simply further divide our already divided planet? In this podcast episode, I explore the pros and cons of going to church, temple or mosque. I dive…